Find AA meetings in Dickinson, North Dakota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in North Dakota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Brown Baggers | St. Johns Episcopal Church | 822 5th Ave W | Dickinson | Closed Meeting Daily Reflections English |
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Dickinson, North Dakota AA Meetings
Several organizations have set themselves up in Dickinson, North Dakota, intending to help residents struggling with alcohol use disorder get the help they need. However, the AA meetings in Dickinson remain perhaps the most popular. AA meetings in North Dakota have been around for a long time and are backed by the storied history of AA. If you attend an AA meeting, there is a big chance you are going to hear a reading of the AA Preamble. The Alcoholics Anonymous Preamble is considered a fundamental piece of Alcoholics Anonymous literature. It is written to remind long-time members of the group about its principles, purpose, and principles. It provides a foundation for the group’s meetings, and it is a great tool for teaching and learning about the program. Originally, the AA Preamble was not part of the original Big Book of AA. It was first introduced in the AA Grapevine magazine, which was published by six AAs with the permission of AA co-founder Bill Wilson. This publication was a popular publication among non-members, so the AA Preamble was written to serve as public information. However, the AA Preamble has been adapted into AA as an important piece of its literature. You can learn more about the AA Preamble in the various AA meetings in North Dakota. Browse these listings for information on AA meetings in Dickinson.