Find AA meetings in Youngstown, Ohio to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Ohio includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
10:00 AM | 10:00 am Discussion | Online Only | Online Youngstown, OH 44512 | Youngstown | As Bill Sees It Daily Reflections Discussion + English Open Meeting |
10:00 AM | First Things First Youngstown | First Things First Youngstown | 2555 Rush Boulevard | Youngstown | Discussion Open Meeting |
11:00 AM | Tuesday Luncheon | YAIG Office | 3373 Canfield Rd | Youngstown | Discussion English Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | Thought For The Day | Fellowship Hall | 2555 Rush Blvd | Youngstown | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
5:30 PM | 5:30 Keep it Simple-Just For Today | Online Only | Online Youngstown, OH 44512 | Youngstown | As Bill Sees It Daily Reflections Discussion + English Open Meeting Speaker |
5:30 PM | 5 30 Discussion Youngstown | 5 30 Discussion Youngstown | Online Youngstown, OH, 44501 | Youngstown | As Bill Sees It Daily Reflections Discussion + Open Meeting Virtual |
6:00 PM | Beginner's Big Book Study | Austintown Studio Apartments | 850 N Meridian Rd | Youngstown | Big Book English |
10:00 AM | Each Day A New Beginning | Newbury United Community Church | 14916 Auburn Rd | Newbury Township | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Women's Meeting |
10:00 AM | Just For Today | St William Church | 5411 Mahoning Ave | Warren | English |
10:30 AM | TUESDAY MORNING 12 STEPS | Second Baptist Church | 200 Clay St | Rochester | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Step Meeting |
10:30 AM | Kent Informal Group | St. Patrick's Church | 313 N Depeyster St | Kent | Discussion English Open Meeting |
11:00 AM | How & Why 12 & 12 | Oxford House | 320 Benton Rd | Salem | Discussion English Open Meeting |
11:00 AM | Good Journey | Alliance Arid Club | 421 S Arch Ave | Alliance | Discussion English Open Meeting |
2:00 PM | Horizons For Women | Sahara Club II | 2345 Youngstown Rd SE | Niles | Discussion English Open Meeting + Women's Meeting |
4:30 PM | Lost & Found | Brimfield United Methodist Church | 1235 Tallmadge Rd | Kent | Discussion English Men's Meeting + Open Meeting |
5:00 PM | Silver Park AA Group | Alliance Arid Club | 421 S Arch Ave | Alliance | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:00 PM | Welcoming Women Meeting | Newton Falls United Methodist Church | 336 Ridge Rd | Newton Falls | English Open Meeting Women's Meeting |
6:00 PM | Big Book Study | First Christian Church | 4046 Coral Rd NW | Malvern | Big Book Discussion English + Open Meeting |
6:00 PM | Taking Charge | Sahara Club II | 2345 Youngstown Rd SE | Warren | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:00 PM | Courage to Change | Windham Nazarene Church | 9749 E Center St | Windham | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Youngstown, Ohio AA Meetings
Youngstown is a city in Mahoning County, Ohio. It is the seat of the county, and it is one of the largest settlements in Ohio. Youngstown has been a cornerstone of the steel production industry for decades now. However, with the industry falling into decline, the city has had to make drastic changes to accommodate more people. Today, there are tens of thousands of people living in Youngstown. Befitting any urban center of its size, Youngstown has had a bit of a problem keeping alcohol addiction in citizens at bay. Several alcoholics anonymous Ohio meetings have set themselves up in the city and are now operating at full capacity looking to help with this problem. One of the many benefits of the AA meetings in Youngstown is that they allow you to define your recovery speed. Instead of rushing you to recover, they merely act as a support system for you to do better. So, while you work your way to sobriety, it becomes much better knowing that there are people around who are cheering you on and rooting for you to succeed. As always, you can come to them for help when you feel like you’re regressing or you’re not making the type of progress you should.