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Find AA Meetings in La Grande, Oregon

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Find AA meetings in La Grande, Oregon to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Oregon includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Surrender Group Surrender Group (Brown Baggers) - First Christian Church 901 Penn Ave La Grande English   Open Meeting
5:30 PM Soul Sisters Soul Sisters - Online Online La Grande, OR 97850 La Grande English   Open Meeting   Women's Meeting
6:00 PM Primary Purpose Primary Purpose - Market Fresh Foods 1912 Fourth St La Grande English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM Unity Online Unity - Zoom - Online Online La Grande, OR 97850 La Grande English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Survivor's Group Survivor's Group - Baker Presbyterian Church 4th & Court st 1995 4th St Baker City English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM AA Nooner AA Nooner 116 SE 12th St Pendleton Discussion   English
7:00 PM AA Night Meeting AA Night Meeting 116 SE 12th St Pendleton Discussion   English

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La Grande, Oregon AA Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of many individuals who share their experience, asset, and faith regarding alcohol use with each other to solve a common concern and aid other people recover from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). AA members share their experience with any individual who wants help with AUD; they give individual services or guidance to the affected individuals coming to A.A. from any background. This society uses a twelve-step plan, as can be found in their “Big Book” of Alcoholics Anonymous, to lead their journey to sobriety. AA Oregon is one of the places a person can find these types of communities offering a place to be vulnerable and considerate about each other’s struggle with this problem. AA meetings in La Grande follow the same steps with certain aspects of it altered to better help its members make the most out of this experience. AA meetings in La Grande involve different varieties of gatherings that can comprise affected individuals or any member of the community having the motivation to attend a meeting. One of these meetings is a closed meeting that can only be attended by people with AUD who are members of AA. Another type of meeting is an open meeting where family and friends learn more about these meetings and what they do.

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