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Find AA Meetings in Wallowa, Oregon

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Find AA meetings in Wallowa, Oregon to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Oregon includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Buck Stops Here Buck Stops Here - Joseph United Methodist Church 301 S Lake St Joseph English   Open Meeting

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Wallowa, Oregon AA Meetings

Alcohol use disorder is a problem that has been affecting people all over the world in various ways. Time and time again residents of Wallowa have been facing adverse issues due to alcohol use disorder. A lot of time and attention has been lost due to people struggling with alcohol use disorder. AA Oregon looks to offer an answer to this problem by setting up various programs all over the state that can help individuals who are dealing with alcohol use disorder in recovering and embarking on new productive and healthy lives. When an individual joins the program they are strongly advised to choose and join the most fitting program for them. This can open doors for them to form bonds with peers so they can support each other as they recover. AA meetings in Wallowa encourage members to exercise the 12 Steps and traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. These are steps that are spiritual by nature and encourage members to practice daily prayers and meditations. This approach includes principles like forming a strong relationship with a higher power, learning from mistakes and learning how to correct them, mend broken relationships and stay away from toxic influences.

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