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Find AA Meetings in Dalhart, Texas

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Find AA meetings in Dalhart, Texas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Texas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
8:00 PM XIT Group Dalhart Denrock Avenue XIT Group Dalhart Denrock Avenue 610 Denrock Avenue Dalhart Open Meeting
8:00 PM XIT Group (Dalhart) XIT Group (Dalhart) 610 Denrock Ave Dalhart English   Open Meeting
8:00 PM XIT Group XIT Group 517 Rock Island Ave Dalhart English   Open Meeting

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Dalhart, Texas AA Meetings

Dalhart is a city in Dallam and Hartley counties in Texas. The county seat of Morris County is Daingerfield. Some of the residents of this city struggle with alcohol addiction. Many individuals who struggle with alcohol dependence have been assisted by the AA Community, a mutual support group, to achieve sobriety. To support such inhabitants in this city, AA meetings in Dalhart are easy to access. People from nearby areas can also join them. The Open AA meeting may be chosen by individuals who would like to have their family and friends around them during the entire recovery process. There are no membership fees required to join the AA community. The AA community only requires new members to indicate their readiness to remain sober. Individuals are free to share their encounters at AA meetings and participants with similar experiences will share their opinions on how to handle the situation. Various forms of AA meetings exist. The physical location barrier is resolved by the Virtual type of AA meetings. People can join such meetings from any part of the world. We have made a list for you of some of the best AA Texas meetings and we have sorted it by city to make it easy to select one. Many people are experiencing alcohol addiction without knowing. If you fall sick from drinking, have difficulties reducing your alcohol intake, or have an uncontrollable craving, you may need to attend an AA meeting around you.

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