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Alcoholics Resources

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10 Things to Say to Your Therapist About your Alcohol Addiction

February 4, 2016 | Contributor

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, therapy is an effective treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. Despite this fact many people are hesitant to talk to their therapist about their actual alcohol problem. It is very difficult to decide what to say to a therapist about their drug or alcohol abuse. There are…

Is There Research to Back Up AA’s Effectiveness?

February 3, 2016 | Contributor

According to a paper published in the Journal of Addictive Diseases, “Research on the effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is controversial and is subject to widely divergent interpretations.” In addition, though the program is still the most heavily sought after treatment for alcoholism and other alcohol abuse disorders, the research surrounding it is not as…

I’m in AA: How Do I Tell My Friends I Can’t Go to the Bar Anymore?

February 2, 2016 | Contributor

Because the very first step of Alcoholics Anonymous asks you to admit that you are “powerless over alcohol,” and therefore should not tempt yourself by going to a bar, you will need to avoid places where the substance is abundant (at least at first). If you and your friends were accustomed to going to a…

A New Frontier: Medications for Treating Alcohol Abuse

January 30, 2016 | Contributor

For decades the treatment options for alcoholism remained the same. This tried and true treatment is now coming under question. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, there are new ways to treat chronic alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Many people who suffer from alcoholism will benefit from these new treatments. Traditional Treatments…

Energy Drinks and Alcohol: Fun or a Deadly Combination?

January 29, 2016 | Contributor

According to the Centers for Disease Control, mixing alcohol and energy drinks is a popular combination among many young people. Separately, both substances are dangerous. Since energy drinks and alcohol are both legal many people do not realize what a deadly combination the two can be. In order to understand the dangerous it is important…

9 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Suspect You are Addicted to Alcohol

January 27, 2016 | Contributor

Many people say that if you are wondering whether you are addicted to alcohol or not, you are probably addicted to alcohol. This is not necessarily true. Although drinking too much can cause physical harm, questioning your drinking is a healthy thing. According to the Centers for Disease Control, excessive drinking is four to five…

Teen Alcohol Use: Is Your Teen Lying to You?

January 23, 2016 | Contributor

According to the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, around eight million teens have used alcohol within the past month. This means that a large portion of teens admit to trying alcohol. Unfortunately, alcohol use is not something a teen is likely to admit even in a blind survey. One of the ways teens…

Avoiding the Post Holiday Blues without Alcohol

January 22, 2016 | Contributor

Just as the holidays can be stressful, so can the time after the holidays. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, stress is one of the most common causes of alcohol abuse and relapse. A situation like the post holiday blues and the stress that they bring can cause someone to abuse alcohol or…

AA Alternatives: What is HAMS?

January 21, 2016 | Contributor

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is a complex illness and you cannot treat every person the same way. Each addiction like each person is unique and treatment has to be unique as well. Although Alcoholics Anonymous helps many people recover from their alcohol addiction, it is not right for everyone. Fortunately,…

The Depression-Alcohol Abuse Cycle and the Need for Treatment

January 19, 2016 | Contributor

Alcohol’s ranking as the most commonly abused addictive substance continues, and will likely persist considering how American culture has come to view drinking as an acceptable pastime. Albeit so, alcohol consumption does come with certain risks, especially when amounts consumed increase over time. The near immediate “pick-me-up” experienced after taking a drink can be deceiving,…

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