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The Dangers of Alcohol Abuse for Women & When to Consider Getting Treatment

January 18, 2016 | Contributor

While excess alcohol consumption poses certain health risks in general, women are more susceptible to alcohol’s damaging effects than men. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, men and women differ in overall body structure and body chemistry, differences that place women at considerably more risk of experiencing the adverse effects of alcohol….

How Does Helping Others Join AA Help Me?

January 14, 2016 | Contributor

The twelfth step of Alcoholics Anonymous asks members to carry the message of the program to other alcoholics and encourage individuals to seek help through AA. While this is understandable through the standpoint of growing the program’s community, many may wonder whether or not helping others join AA can be helpful to them as well….

Are the Prayer and Meditation Involved in AA Effective Treatments for Alcoholism?

January 13, 2016 | Contributor

Alcoholics Anonymous has help numerous individuals quit drinking and achieve a better life through its teachings of peer support and abstinence. Because the program heavily involves the use of prayer and meditation, there is some question as to whether or not these parts of the process are effective treatments for alcoholism as well. How Important…

Signs of Oncoming Relapse & When to Re-Enter Alcohol Rehab Treatment

January 6, 2016 | Contributor

People recovering from alcohol-based addictions well know the roller coaster ride the recovery process can be. The effects of chronic alcohol abuse leave lasting imprints on the brain’s physical makeup as well as on how the mind copes with daily life events. Addiction’s classification as a chronic disease sheds light on the actual length and…

5 Dangers of Binge Drinking You Shouldn’t Ignore

January 5, 2016 | Contributor

Alcoholic beverages have all but become an American pastime, playing a part in most all special occasions and celebrations. Alcohol’s effects produce feelings of relaxation and well-being, which makes it that much easier to keep drinking. Binge drinking takes alcohol indulgence to a whole other level, oftentimes producing dangerous health effects. Binge Drinking According to…

Alcoholics Anonymous in the 1950’s

January 4, 2016 | Contributor

According to Alcoholics Anonymous literature, it is important to learn the history of the movement to truly reap the benefits to the program. The long struggle to recognition that started with one man and a religious group in the 1930’s blossomed in the 1950’s. Alcoholics anonymous saw a great many changes in the 1950’s. What…

What Should I Do if I Relapse During AA?

December 20, 2015 | Contributor

If you relapse during AA, it can be a difficult journey. However, relapse is common, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, just like in the case of other chronic diseases like “diabetes, hypertension, and asthma,” and it is important to understand that this can occur. It doesn’t mean you have failed or that…

How Al-Anon Can Help Your Marriage

December 19, 2015 | Contributor

Al-Anon Family Groups (also called Al-Anon) is a 12-step program for individuals with loved ones who abuse alcohol or are recovering from alcoholism. According to the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, it is the “most widely used form of help by people concerned about another’s drinking.” While AA and Al-Anon can both help…

AA’s Higher Power: How Can I View It?

December 18, 2015 | Contributor

For many people, AA’s suggestion that they give themselves over to a higher power, a term originally coined in the 1930s by the program, can be easily achieved while, for others, it can be very difficult. For those who grew up with religious backgrounds or find comfort in religion, their belief in a specific god…

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