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Find AA Meetings in Safford, Arizona

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Find AA meetings in Safford, Arizona to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Arizona includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
9:00 AM Safford Valley Group River Church 1726 S 1st Ave Safford Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Wheelchair Access

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Safford, Arizona AA Meetings

Safford is Graham County’s capital city and is located in South East Arizona. There are so many beautiful locations to explore in this city, and visitors and tourists would agree that there are so many economic opportunities here. Unfortunately, many residents struggle with alcohol addictions, substance disorders, and other alcohol-related problems. Many have even lost hope and now see these alcohol-induced problems as a lifetime battle. AA meetings in Safford receive these people with open arms and help them out of these sad phases. Asides from providing medical treatments and addiction recovery programs to participants, this community encourages them through each step. Some community members were once entangled in addictions and have attained sobriety, so they understand that slip-ups are common during recovery and guide them each phase. The 12-step approach taught to participants has noted significant improvements. Therapy and counseling sessions are available too, and they help in healing deep-rooted emotional and internal crises. For treatments, alcohol detoxification is the first step, usually at an inpatient treatment facility. Health professionals are also on ground to observe participants and administer medical care. AA meetings in Safford are proof of the Arizona AA community’s commitment to actualizing the objectives of the Alcoholics Anonymous global community.

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