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Find AA Meetings in Magnolia, Arkansas

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Find AA meetings in Magnolia, Arkansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Arkansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Open Door Group El Dorado Open Door Group 801 East 6th Street El Dorado Discussion   Open Meeting

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Magnolia, Arkansas AA Meetings

Magnolia is the home to the world’s largest charcoal grill and is the county seat city of Columbia County, Arkansas. AA meetings in Magnolia offer a support system to locals battling alcohol addiction and alcohol-related ailments. Alcoholics Anonymous is a global community that helps people with alcohol addiction and alcohol-related conditions achieve sobriety from alcohol. Many people across the country have benefitted from AA’s peer support communities and recovery programs and have gone on to more productive lives. Arkansas AA meetings are warm and friendly, and members welcome participants without discrimination or judgment. Across Arkansas AA meetings, participants have access to therapy sessions, counseling, open discussion, the 12-step approach program, and aftercare programs. Alcohol addiction recovery is in stages, and it can take a long time to attain sobriety. AA meetings in Magnolia are committed to each phase of participants’ recovery, and the support from members is motivating. Treatment for alcohol addiction involves in-house procedures like alcohol detoxification. It then builds into medical care and medically assisted programs as participants recover. Our specialists can find treatment programs within Magnolia for you, and they also offer on-call support. Visit to locate the AA meeting group closest to you from the updated Arkansas AA directory.

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