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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Brown Bagger's Discussion | Alturas | 204 W 12th St #5 | Alturas | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
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Alturas, California AA Meetings
Also the County seat of Modoc County, Alturas is a city situated along the Pit River, east of the center of the county. Alturas is located in California and has a constantly growing population. However, some of its indigenes are battling to overcome the seemingly common problem of alcoholism or alcohol addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous, a leading provider of mutual group support which has proved effective in treating alcoholism in a wide variety of patients, has extended their services to this city. By organizing, AA meetings in Alturas and other neighboring communities, Alcoholics Anonymous proffers first class support which is invaluable in combating alcohol abuse in Alturas. Individuals can now participate with their loved ones. There are no membership charges or fees required to join these AA meetings in Alturas. While the larger community of AA California can attend, these meetings are localized and tailored to suit the needs of the Alturas community. Nowadays, by means of teleconferencing, distant members can attend meetings on a regular basis. AA California and the wider Alcoholics Anonymous community remains ever committed to providing realistic solutions to alcohol addiction. With a wide variety of options available, members are advised to join any AA meeting that they feel at home with. Alcoholics Anonymous maintains professional standards in dealing with members.