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Find AA Meetings in Farmersville, California

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Find AA meetings in Farmersville, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Noon Rovers St James Church 1780 Emma Lee Ln Hanford English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Bridge Street Drunks Only Bridge Street Drunks 526 N Bridge St Visalia English
12:00 PM Classy Ladies Classy Ladies Visalia 1425 E Walnut Ave Visalia English   Open Meeting   Women's Meeting
12:00 PM Grupo Neuva Vida Grupo Neuva Vida Earlimart 547 S Oak Rd Earlimart Spanish
12:30 PM Grupo Deseo De Vivir De Hanford Grupo Deseo De Vivir De Hanford 548 South 11th Avenue Hanford Spanish
2:00 PM Mid-Valley Group Mid-Valley Group Tulare 1701 E Prosperity Ave Tulare English   Open Meeting

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Farmersville, California AA Meetings

Farmersville is part of the Monroe Metropolitan Statistical Area and has close access to Lake D’Arbonne, a popular boating waterway, is home to many people facing alcohol use disorder. AA California is set up in this region to help them get through it. Excess alcohol in your system can affect your speech, vital centers of your brain and muscle coordination. Heavy binge drinking can go up to the extent of causing coma or death. When someone is unable to stop drinking regardless of the physical and mental health risks of alcohol it’s known as alcohol dependency. The disorder causes problems to your physical health, with family members and even friends. When someone can no longer deny that they are suffering from this issue they should be able to go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. These meetings are conducted in groups that have recovering alcoholics members ready to share their experience and help others get through alcoholism. AA meetings in Farmersville, gives people a safe space to find like-minded people eager to solve their own problems with alcohol and others who are grappling with alcoholism. Techniques like the 12 step rule are introduced to group members to help overcome the challenges of alcohol dependence.

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