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Find AA Meetings in Exeter, California

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Find AA meetings in Exeter, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
6:00 PM Kingsburg Fellowship Arcadian Building 1100 Sierra St Kingsburg Closed Meeting   English   Women's Meeting
6:30 PM AA Loose Women Meeting AA Loose Women Meeting Porterville 186 S D St Porterville Cross Talk Permitted   English   Open Meeting +   Women's Meeting
7:00 PM Luz Del Angel Luz Del Angel 2023 W Front St Selma Open Meeting   Spanish
7:00 PM Un Dia A La Vez Un Dia A La Vez 10441 Avenue 416 Dinuba Open Meeting   Spanish
7:00 PM Grupo Mi Fortaleza Grupo Mi Fortaleza Tulare 1342 E Bardsley Ave Tulare Spanish
7:00 PM Una Esperanza Una Esperanza 1225 Academy Ave Sanger Open Meeting   Spanish
7:00 PM Grupo Solo Dios Grupo Solo Dios Visalia 1134 W Murray Ave Visalia Open Meeting   Spanish
7:00 PM Grupo Una Necesidad Grupo Una Necesidad Porterville 1379 W Olive Ave Porterville Open Meeting   Spanish
7:00 PM Solo Dios Trasmitelo Solo Dios Trasmitelo 1607 Simpson St Kingsburg Open Meeting   Spanish
7:00 PM Grupo Nueva Vida Grupo Nueva Vida Earlimart 547 S Oak Rd Earlimart Spanish
7:00 PM La Verda La Verda 324 Fresno St Parlier Open Meeting   Spanish
7:00 PM Grupo Fe Y Amistad Grupo Fe Y Amistad Orosi CA-63, Orosi, CA Orosi Spanish
7:00 PM Una Oportunidad Mas Una Oportunidad Mas 740 G St Reedley Open Meeting   Spanish
7:00 PM Friday Freedom Fellowship Friday Freedom Fellowship Visalia 3830 W Tulare Ave Visalia Closed Meeting   English
7:00 PM Grupo Fe Y Esperanza Grupo fe y Esperanza Poplar 14721 Rd 192 Porterville Spanish
7:00 PM Grupo 3er Legado Grupo 3er Legado Farmersville 160 S Farmersville Blvd Farmersville Open Meeting   Spanish
7:00 PM Grupo Un Dia A La Vez Grupo Un Dia A La Vez Sultana 10441 Avenue 416 #03 Dinuba Spanish
7:00 PM El Tiempo Lo Dira El Tiempo Lo Dira 2115 1st St Selma Open Meeting   Spanish
7:00 PM Grupo Deseo De Vivir De Hanford Grupo Deseo De Vivir De Hanford 548 South 11th Avenue Hanford Spanish
7:00 PM Grupo Humildes Grupo Humildes Visalia 1130 N Ben Maddox Way Visalia Spanish

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Exeter, California AA Meetings

Exeter is a city in Tulare County, California. This city is home to a plethora of men and women suffering from alcohol dependency. It is a well-known fact that millions of adult Americans have problems with AUD. Alcohol use disorder patients suffer whenever their drinking causes distress and harm. Depending on the symptoms alcohol use disorder can range from mild to severe. Severe cases of alcohol use disorder is commonly known as alcoholism or alcohol dependence. Alcohol abuse is any alcohol use that puts your health or safety at risks and brings about other alcohol-related problems. AA California forms support groups to help and guide people eager to overcome these issues. AA meetings in Exeter give their members different methods like the 12 steps to pull through from alcohol dependency. Meetings are mainly divided into closed and open meetings. Closed AA meetings, only allow people that are recovering alcoholics and members of AA to attend but open meetings allow the friends, spouses and family members to attend as well. There are benefits to open meetings since those who wish to remain connected to friends and family members could do so. The value of family member’s support is creating feelings of safety.

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