Find AA meetings in Wailuku, Hawaii to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Hawaii includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Drop the Rock or Share the Joy (ocean side) | Wahikuli Wayside Park | Wahikuli Wayside Park, Wayside Park, HI-30 | Lahaina | English Open Meeting Outdoor Meeting |
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Wailuku, Hawaii AA Meetings
Wailuku is a census-designated place in Maui County, Hawaii; the area is located on the island of Maui, west of Kahului’s Lao Valley. Those with alcohol addiction, living or working in the area may be interested in finding AA meetings in Wailuku. There are several AA meetings Hawaii in the region. When beginning any new endeavor—including starting in recovery— getting started can be challenging, particularly when attending your first AA group. There’s usually a learning curve, such as when attempting to understand the jargon. For example, you may be wondering about the difference between an AA meeting and an AA group. Most often, AA members gather to meet in a designated place and time in AA groups. Some members choose to hold AA meetings that differ from the standard definition of an AA group (as defined by AA’s third tradition). Meetings may involve gatherings at a prearranged place and time for special situations (such as mens’ groups, doctors’ groups, or other specialized groups). On the other hand, AA groups must open their doors to any person who desires to quit drinking. When the gathering comprises people with alcohol use disorders, aimed at helping other recovering people, regardless of gender, profession, or other characteristics, it is considered an AA group.