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Find AA Meetings in Protection, Kansas

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Find AA meetings in Protection, Kansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Kansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
8:00 PM Protection Group Protection Group 202 N Washington Ave Protection English
8:00 PM New Beginnings New Beginnings Mullinville 120 Locust St Mullinville English
8:00 PM Greensburg Group Greensburg Group 515 W Kansas Ave Greensburg English

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Protection, Kansas AA Meetings

Protection is a township located in Comanche County, Kansas. Alcohol addiction can result in heart disease and liver disease. Both can be fatal. For those looking to redeem themselves from and change the course of their lives, AA meetings in Protection is a community open for them to begin their journey to alcohol addiction recovery. AA meetings have been tested and trusted globally, and participants who have been undergoing recovery programs have observed tremendous changes and improvements in their lives. AA members anchor counseling and open discussion sessions, where participants can express themselves and discuss their alcohol addiction experience. These meetings are where people who have experienced similar addiction challenges come together to work towards recovery, and there is no form of discrimination or mockery of participants. Counseling, therapy, and open discussion sessions address participants’ alcohol addiction struggle and some of its lingering effects. AA’s 12-step approach, therapy, and other meeting programs also aid participants’ recovery and help them achieve internal healing. You can call our specialist to find nearby treatment programs, alcohol detox, and rehab centers in Protection. We have the venues of all AA meetings in Kansas available on our AA directory. Visit today to access our directory and discover nearby meeting venues.

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