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Find AA Meetings in Dawson Springs, Kentucky

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Hungry Spirits Group 100 Higgins Street Hungry Spirits Group 100 Higgins Street Hopkinsville Discussion   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access
12:00 PM Madisonville Young Peoples Grp Madisonville Young Peoples Grp 845 Sunset Dr Madisonville Discussion   English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Hungry Spirits Group Hungry Spirits Group 100 Higgins St Hopkinsville Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Wheelchair Access

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Dawson Springs, Kentucky AA Meetings

The birthplace of former governor Steve L. Beshear, Dawson Springs is a home rule-class city in Hopkins and Caldwell counties in Kentucky. A portion of the city’s population is suffering from alcohol use disorder. Alcohol use disorder, or AUD, develops when an individual drinks alcoholic beverages in large amounts consistently to the point where chemical changes take place in their brains. These modifications heighten the pleasure feelings when drinking alcohol, which will increase the urge to drink more despite its adverse effects. At some point, the pleasure of drinking alcohol will be eclipsed by a need to avoid suffering from frustrating withdrawal symptoms. Some undesirable repercussions such as stress, anxiety, and depression normally accompany withdrawal symptoms. AUD is usually developed after a duration of consistent heavy drinking. AUD also runs in households, so people who have a parent with AUD go to a higher threat of developing the disorder. There are several factors that lead to the development of AUD, such as consuming over twelve drinks weekly; daily binge drinking (more than five drinks each day); stress, anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, is among the most reliable forms of treatment for AUD. If you live in Dawson Springs and are struggling with AUD, you can get help by attending AA meetings in Dawson Springs. Information for these meetings is detailed in a group of AA meetings in Kentucky listed on

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