Find AA meetings in Carrabassett Valley, Maine to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Maine includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Carrabassett Valley, Maine AA Meetings
Home of Sugarloaf ski resort, Carrabassett Valley, Maine, attracts visitors year-round to enjoy the spectacular scenery and outdoor recreation. Residents and visitors can locate AA meetings in Carrabassett Valley by looking in our online directory. Alcoholics Anonymous has been helping people recover from alcohol use disorder (AUD) for over 85 years. AUD is known as a progressive condition consisting of the inability to stop or control drinking and alcohol use’s devastating effects on relationships. Using the trusted 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, found in the Big Book of AA, members practice the principles of self-examination and growth in all their affairs. Regular meeting attendance is encouraged because it plays a vital role in connecting those with the common challenge of AUD in peer-group support, an essential recovery factor. Meetings consist of time devoted to members sharing their experience, strength, and hope as they talk about recovery. Their stories both inform and encourage all who attend. Those who are experiencing successful recovery, living fulfilling lives without alcohol are incredibly inspiring. Meetings offer a judgment-free environment that is a safe place to share because members observe the principles of anonymity and confidentiality. AA meetings, Maine, are ready to fellowship newcomers, so start your recovery journey with them.