Find AA meetings in Center, North Dakota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in North Dakota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Keep It Simple | Keep It Simple Group #660776 | 1525 E Thayer Ave | Bismarck | English Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Capital City Group | Capital City Group #110720 | 619 Memorial Hwy | Bismarck | Closed Meeting English |
4:00 PM | Hard Core At 4 Group | Hard Core At 4 Group #000356417 | 1525 E Thayer Ave | Bismarck | English |
4:00 PM | Capital City Group | Capital City Group #110720 | 619 Memorial Hwy | Bismarck | English Open Meeting |
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Center, North Dakota AA Meetings
Center is a town in Oliver County, North Dakota. Being Oliver County’s seat. It is no wonder that there are several AA meetings in Center. There are also several other AA meetings in North Dakota. All of these meetings provide support groups for individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcoholics Anonymous is a global fellowship with the big goal of helping people recover from AUD. Some meetings are informal, with members openly discussing and sharing their stories. Others are quite rigid and people are given allotted times to speak. Before meetings start, a short preamble explains the purpose of AA and some of its governing principles. Some meetings are held in a closed environment. These are for members only and others who have AUD. Meetings tend to be about one hour long, and oftentimes you can talk to the members before and after the meeting. Depending on the meeting leader, the main section of the meetings varies. There are speaker meetings, where people share their stories. There are also discussion meetings, where people get into smaller groups to discuss a topic. You can find listings for AA meetings in Center in this directory. For help with formal rehab options, call our specialists today.