Find AA meetings in Jamestown, Ohio to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Ohio includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
5:30 PM | Serenity at 5:30 * | Crossroads Club | 5235 N Main St | Dayton | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
5:30 PM | Joe & Charlie Big Book Group | The Hope Spot | 529 W 2nd St | Xenia | Big Book English Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | Happy Hour Group | Alco Aides Club | 2206 E 3rd St | Dayton | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
5:30 PM | District 11 Business Meeting - 2nd Wednesday of March, June, September, December | The Church of the Ascension | 2709 McGee Ave #3rd | Middletown | Discussion English Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | Beyond Sobriety | Southside Club | 3040 Valleywood Dr | Dayton | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
6:00 PM | Beginner Back to Basic's | Springboro Franklin Club | 778 W Central Ave | Springboro | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
6:00 PM | Serenity Sisters | 410 N. Elm Street | 410 N Elm St | Troy | Discussion English Open Meeting + Women's Meeting |
6:00 PM | Study The Solution * | First Presbyterian Church | 1130 Highview Dr | Fairborn | Big Book Closed Meeting English |
6:00 PM | Divine Group | D.I.R.C. | 7373 Dayton Springfield Rd | Enon | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:30 PM | Springfield Community Group | Springfield Fellowship Hall | 1303 Kenton St | Springfield | English Open Meeting Speaker + Wheelchair Access |
6:30 PM | London Grateful Grapevine Group | Trinity Church | 10 E 4th St | London | English Open Meeting |
6:30 PM | S Group | Stillwater United Methodist Church | 6911 Frederick Pike | Dayton | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
6:30 PM | Step Group | New Hope Recovery Block | 522 Xenia Ave | Dayton | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
6:30 PM | Urbana Men's Rathskellar Group | Swedenborgian Church | 330 S Main St | Urbana | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Men's Meeting |
7:00 PM | Beginners Valleywood Drive | Beginners Valleywood Drive | 3040 Valleywood Drive | Dayton | Discussion Newcomer Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Grapevine at Brookville Group* | Golden Gate Park | 545 Upper Lewisburg Salem Rd | Brookville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Beginners North Main Street | Beginners North Main Street | 5235 North Main Street | Dayton | Discussion Newcomer Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Sunlight of the Spirit | Wilmington Presbyterian Church | 840 Timber Glen | Wilmington | Discussion English Open Meeting + Women's Meeting |
7:00 PM | Hillsboro Lake Loma AA Group | Hillsboro Lake Loma AA Group | 4285 Caleb Hill Rd | Hillsboro | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Way of Life Group* | Traditions Club | 1718 Philadelphia Ave | Middletown | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Jamestown, Ohio AA Meetings
Named after Jamestown, Virginia, the home of one of its first settlers, Jamestown was platted in 1816. The village in Greene County, Ohio has a tiny population of a couple thousand. However, despite its small size, the village has a history of alcohol addiction. Some of its residents are struggling with a dependence on alcohol. To provide them with support, the village has established Alcoholics Anonymous meeting points. If you are among them you can find AA meetings in Jamestown among a group of Alcoholics Anonymous Ohio meetings on Alcohol addiction has considerable debilitating side effects that can bring about extreme illnesses as well as even death. The long list of negative ramifications includes diseases such as liver as well as kidney failure; compromised relationships; psychological, emotional, and economic problems, among others. Alcoholics Anonymous or AA is among the most common treatment alternatives for alcohol addiction. The international group support organization provides opportunities for individuals with alcohol consumption problems to meet and interact with people who are facing the same struggles for at least one hour each day. AA meetings provide a platform where they can share their own addiction experiences as well as discuss alcohol addiction-related topics with peers and senior members, who act as mentors.