Find AA meetings in Somerset, Ohio to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Ohio includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
5:00 PM | Zanesville As Bill Sees It | I.S.R.C. | 554 Moxahala Ave | Zanesville | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:00 PM | Home of the Stars | Club Dry Dock | 2236 S Hamilton Rd #101 | Columbus | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:00 PM | Saturday Night Lighthouse Group | Ohio Avenue Meeting Hall | 1325 S Ohio Ave | Columbus | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:00 PM | Reynoldsburg Saturday Night Group | Reynoldsburg Church of the Nazarene | 1340 Crest Rd | Columbus | Big Book Concurrent with Al-Anon English |
6:30 PM | Hocking Hills Study Group | South Perry United Methodist | 19680 OH-180 | Laurelville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:30 PM | Granville Fourth Dimension | 1st Presbyterian Church | 110 W Broadway | Granville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Saturday Night Men's Unity and Fellowship Group | The Ranch | 901 S Sunbury Rd | Westerville | Big Book English Men's Meeting + Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Lithopolis Stone City Sobriety Group | Lithopolis United Methodist Church | 80 N Market St | Lithopolis | Big Book Discussion English + Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | If Nothing Changes Nothing Changes Group | Hope 4 2morrow Counseling Center | 2044 Lockbourne Rd | Columbus | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
8:00 PM | New Lexington Trinity Group | Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 201 E Brown St | New Lexington | English Open Meeting Speaker + Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
8:00 PM | Drummer's Group | Short North Church | 25 W 5th Ave | Columbus | Discussion English LGBTQ+ + Open Meeting Step Meeting |
8:00 PM | Fairway Group | Reynoldsburg Church of the Nazarene | 1340 Crest Rd | Reynoldsburg | English Open Meeting Speaker |
8:00 PM | Saturday Night Live Group | Ohio Avenue Meeting Hall | 1325 S Ohio Ave | Columbus | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
8:00 PM | Newark Mound Builders Group | New Hope Lutheran Church | 1137 Sharon Valley Rd | Newark | English Open Meeting Speaker |
8:00 PM | Lancaster Foundation Stone Group | Saint Peter Church | 105 E Mulberry St | Lancaster | English Open Meeting Speaker + Wheelchair Access |
8:00 PM | Saturday Night Big Book Discussion Group | Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church | 100 E Schrock Rd | Westerville | Big Book English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
8:00 PM | Newark Mound Builders Group Sharon Valley Road | Newark Mound Builders Group Sharon Valley Road | 1137 Sharon Valley Road | Newark | Open Meeting Speaker |
8:00 PM | Zanesville Crazy In Sobriety Group | I.S.R.C. | 554 Moxahala Ave | Zanesville | English Open Meeting Speaker + Wheelchair Access |
8:30 PM | Un Dia A La Vez | COGF | 645 W Broad St | Columbus | Open Meeting Spanish |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Somerset, Ohio AA Meetings
Situated in Perry County, Ohio, United States, Somerset consists of a large number of citizens that are exposed to the unhealthy use of alcohol. Alcohol addiction is known to hold people back from developing and maturing themselves. This and many more reasons make alcoholism one of the most alarming issues that should be addressed. Alcoholics Anonymous is a voluntary fellowship that was originally founded in the United States in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, both of whom had been greatly affected by alcohol use. Alcoholics Anonymous Ohio is a community that contains thousands of members from all around the world. It reaches out to any individual: young or old, religious or nonreligious that is affected by alcohol use. AA meetings in Somerset bring alcohol addicts together so that they could help each other and learn from one another. To make treatments successful, these meetings follow the 12 step, an approach that provides a regimented training program that is essential for healing past damages. Anyone who is on the road to sobriety is more than welcome to join our community. The organization is devoted to better the lives of its members and help them abstain from further use of alcohol. You can always visit or call us to find out more about our working policy and environment.