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Find AA Meetings in West Lafayette, Ohio

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Find AA meetings in West Lafayette, Ohio to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Ohio includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Zanesville As Bill Sees It I.S.R.C. 554 Moxahala Ave Zanesville English   Open Meeting   Speaker +   Wheelchair Access
1:00 PM The Only Perfect Step Harrison Corner 1503 Harrison Ave SW Canton 12 Steps & 12 Traditions   English   Open Meeting
2:00 PM Cambridge Sunday Afternoon Group Old Lincoln Schoolhouse 850 N 4th St Cambridge Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Wheelchair Access
3:00 PM Zanesville As Bill Sees It I.S.R.C. 554 Moxahala Ave Zanesville English   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access
3:00 PM St. Joe's St. Joseph Roman Catholic 322 3rd St SE Massillon English   Open Meeting   Speaker

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West Lafayette, Ohio AA Meetings

A village located in Coshocton County of Ohio; West Lafayette is a small suburb town. It offers its residents a sparse suburban living with a great sense of community. It has a great school system and is safe and quiet for a family living. It has a stable population growth with a safe economy. Being a small town with little to do can sometimes turn people into bad habits such as alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction is the uncontrollable urge to drink alcohol in a daily basis even when it brings negative impact to one’s life. Alcohol addiction is detrimental to personal well being and can cause damages that are irreversible to health if continued without treatment. That is why support groups like that of AA meetings in West Lafayette offer support and help to those that are willing to change their bad habits and are working on becoming a better version of themselves. These meetings are either discussion based or spiritual based, differing on who and which group or date the meeting is taking place. Spiritual guidance can be found for those looking for a higher power to look up to during their recovery journey in the form of Big book studies and the 12-step or 12 traditions fellowships and studies. Alcoholics anonymous Ohio directories offer information on whether you can attend those meetings and what is best suited for you.

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