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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | A New Way of Life | Grace Episcopal Church | 216 Center St | Ridgway | Discussion English |
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Emporium, Pennsylvania AA Meetings
Emporium is located in the county seat of Cameron County in Pennsylvania. The borough has a long history with manufacturing from radio tubes, lamps, lumber, sole leather, paving brick, iron, and flour. But Emporium also has a history of alcohol addiction. Residents in Emporium who are struggling with the disease can receive support at Alcoholics Anonymous or AA Emporium meetings. Alcoholics Anonymous is an international community-based support organization that has helped millions of people overcome alcohol addiction and achieve sobriety. AA meetings are gatherings of people who have drinking problems to share addiction stories and discuss topics relative to alcohol addiction. The popular 12 Steps and 12 Traditions methods are the guiding principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. These are detailed in “The Big Book,” the governing literature or “bible” for Alcoholics Anonymous. The ‘Personal Stories’ section of the book relays several accounts of past members’ struggles during their alcohol addiction journey. “The Big Book” also contains other valuable information that also help alcoholics find and maintain sobriety. A significant portion of the book also addresses people close to those who are dependent on alcohol including family, friends, and co-workers. This website hosts all alcoholics anonymous Pennsylvania meetings including AA Emporium.