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Find AA Meetings in Galeton, Pennsylvania

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Find AA meetings in Galeton, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Peace of Serenity Harbor Counseling Annex Online 7079 PA-287 Wellsboro Discussion   English   Open Meeting

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Galeton, Pennsylvania AA Meetings

Located 50 miles southeast of Bradford, Galeton is a borough in Potter County, Pennsylvania. This small city has a few people affected by alcohol addiction. Alcohol Addiction affects people’s lives and livelihood, it also affects relationships, families, and the economy. People will need help to overcome alcohol use disorder, and aa meetings in Galeton is a source of that assistance. Alcoholics Anonymous Pennsylvania is part of a global database created in 1935 and has constantly been updated with cities and villages. AA Pennsylvania meetings are operated by an individual with past alcohol addiction, they use their story to educate and inspire people currently facing the addiction. These stories will resonate and give people the power they need to work towards being free from alcoholism. These aa meetings are delivered in several ways to meet unique individual needs. Meetings such as spiritual focus, men’s or women’s meetings, small or large group meetings. These are delivered in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The 12-step approach is the main treatment at the aa meetings. This has a high success rate and a track record to achieve freedom from alcoholism. Other treatments are detoxing inpatient facility, and counseling therapies. These meetings are free to attend and are very accessible. Once people commit to the program, addiction recovery can be attained.

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