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Find AA Meetings in Edgefield, South Carolina

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Find AA meetings in Edgefield, South Carolina to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in South Carolina includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Gratitude Group Martinez Gratitude Group 4227 Columbia Rd Martinez Closed Meeting   Discussion
12:00 PM Midday Group Midday Group 3501 Walton Way Ext Augusta Discussion   English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM No Nipping Nooners Group No Nipping Nooners Group 113 Camilla Ave Augusta Big Book   Closed Meeting   Discussion +   English   Wheelchair Access
12:30 PM Aiken Central First Christian Church 900 Kerr Dr SW Aiken Closed Meeting   Discussion   English +   Wheelchair Access

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Edgefield, South Carolina AA Meetings

The AA meetings in Edgefield are available to those in the area with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Along with other AA meetings in South Carolina, these meetings provide a source of support for AUD from people who have their own personal experiences with the disorder. There are several different types of AA meetings. Beginner meetings are the perfect place to start if you are new to the organization and are curious about what it is all about. There are many advantages to attending these meetings, such as meeting like-minded people and being able to ask questions. It is also recommended that you attend a beginner meeting if you are still new to the 12 Steps of AA. At a beginner meeting, more experienced members will recount their personal stories revolving around alcohol use disorder and the early stages of recovery. This is to make new members feel welcome and comfortable. After this, new members are often given the chance to share their experiences. Sharing is a big part of what makes AA so effective, but you are not required to share if you are not ready. AA members believe that people should go at their own pace. Browse this directory for listings of AA meetings in Edgefield. For help with formal rehab options that you cannot get with AA meetings in South Carolina, give our specialists a call today.

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