Find AA meetings in Jamestown, Tennessee to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Tennessee includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
4:00 PM | Monticello Group State Highway 3106 | Monticello Group | 359 State Highway 3106 | Monticello | Big Book Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
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Jamestown, Tennessee AA Meetings
Jamestown is a city in, and the county seat of Fentress County, Tennessee, United States. Daily, a few inhabitants of Jamestown deal with alcohol dependency and they find it difficult to stay in recovery. Such residents can get help at AA meetings in Jamestown as they have the privilege of meeting with other residents who are struggling with the same problem. The meetings are organized by the AA community, a society that has aided the recovery of several people with alcohol addiction. At AA meetings, when people experiencing alcohol addiction come together, they provide mutual support and fight as a team against the situation. Since there are old members of the community who have found rehabilitation and are prepared to put newcomers through, they can find all the inspiration they require to deal with the challenges of remaining sober in the community. At AA meetings, participants are urged, but not coerced, to tell their stories so that people who have healed from a similar situation can provide some insights into proven ways of dealing with the situation. Since there are many of them, it could be a challenge to select the nearest AA meetings in Tennessee to you. The list is categorized by city on to ensure that you are scrolling through the correct page. Go under the section of your city to select the nearest AA meeting for you to start your rehabilitation process immediately. If you need more support to remain sober, we are always available to speak with you.