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Find AA Meetings in Colville, Washington

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Find AA meetings in Colville, Washington to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Washington includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
7:00 PM Friday Nite Rebels Friday Nite Rebels 930 S Elm St #2600 Colville Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Wheelchair Access

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Colville, Washington AA Meetings

Found in Stevens County, Washington, United States, Colville is a city that is home to many individuals struggling with alcohol abuse. A number of studies have shown that people who are involved in support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous have a higher likelihood of overcoming alcohol addiction than those who try to overcome it on their own. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international, non-profit and self-supporting fellowship of many men and women who have overcome alcohol addiction, and now help those that are in the same situation. Although countless individuals have claimed that they were able to become and stay sober with the help of the Alcoholics Anonymous, faith-based support groups are not for everyone. But the only way to know whether or not AA is the right community for you is to try it yourself and see what changes occur. AA meetings held in Alcoholics Anonymous Washington State have two types: open and closed meetings. While open meetings are available to anyone wanting to try out the community, closed meetings are reserved for members only. These meetings follow the 12 steps and traditions when approaching members. Unlike the 12 step approach, which is focused on the individual, the 12 traditions are distinct and are defined in the Big Book-the main governing literature of Alcoholics Anonymous. AA meetings in Colville allow members to receive help and support from others struggling with the same experiences. They also help attendees reconnect with their relatives and friends, and rebuild healthier lives.

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