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Find AA Meetings in Kernville, California

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Find AA meetings in Kernville, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Living Sober Lake Isabella Living Sober 4030 Perdue Avenue Lake Isabella Open Meeting
12:00 PM Recovery Club Recovery Club 186 S D St Porterville English   Open Meeting
6:00 PM Traditions Shopping Mall 5120 Lake Isabella Blvd Lake Isabella English   Open Meeting
6:00 PM Women's Changes Women's Changes Porterville 186 S D St Porterville English   Open Meeting   Women's Meeting
7:00 PM WeCare Weldon Methodist Church 20021 CA-178 Weldon English   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access
7:30 PM Tuesday Men's Stag Tuesday Men's Stag Porterville 186 S D St Porterville Closed Meeting   English   Men's Meeting
7:30 PM Big Book Group - Lake Isabella Lake Isabella Alano Club 4030 Perdue Ave Lake Isabella English
8:00 PM No Nonsense Group Parkside Church 2515 Church Ave Bakersfield Closed Meeting   English
8:00 PM No Nonsense Parkside Church Online 2515 Church Ave Bakersfield English   Open Meeting   Temporary Closure

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Kernville, California AA Meetings

Kernville is a city in Kern County, California. It is one of the safest cities in that county, and it is pretty close to the world-famous Sequoia National Park. With a modest population, Kernville is the ideal representation of a typical California countryside settlement. However, rest assured that you get all the necessary amenities when you live here. This includes effective healthcare, as well as an assortment of AA California meetings for anyone who is dealing with alcohol addiction. These sessions are genuinely insightful, and they will go a long way in helping you out. The road to sobriety is one that comes with several slips and turns. However, when you attend any of the AA meetings in Kernville, you have a stable foundation that will guarantee your health. From keeping you accountable to helping you open up about the challenges you face, these sessions are indeed insightful. No one will judge or rush you along your path, and they leave you to recover on your terms. If you have any challenges, you can always come back to speak to the people here and let them know. In time, recovery becomes a walk in the park, and you’re able to live a life free of alcohol once more.

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