Find AA meetings in Porterville, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Recovery Club | Recovery Club | 186 S D St | Porterville | English Open Meeting |
1:00 PM | PAAR Women's Open | PAAR Women's Open Porterville | 182 W Belleview Ave | Porterville | English Open Meeting Women's Meeting |
5:00 PM | Grupo de Serenidad | Grupo de Serenidad | 15482 Rd 223 | Porterville | Open Meeting Spanish |
6:00 PM | The Acceptance Group | The Acceptance Group Porterville | 764 W Henderson Ave | Porterville | English Gay Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Grupo Fe Y Esperanza | Grupo fe y Esperanza Poplar | 14721 Rd 192 | Porterville | Spanish |
7:00 AM | Bridge Street Drunks Only | Bridge Street Drunks | 526 N Bridge St | Visalia | Closed Meeting English |
7:15 AM | ABC Group | ABC Group Visalia | 1311 W Murray Ave | Visalia | English Open Meeting |
8:10 AM | AA Book Study | AA Book Study Visalia | 1311 W Murray Ave | Visalia | Big Book English Open Meeting |
11:00 AM | New Meeting - Dinuba | New Meeting Wednesday 11:00 AM | 180 N Villa Ave | Dinuba | English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Clodbusters | Clodbusters Tulare | 1820 N Gem St | Tulare | English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Bridge Street Drunks Only | Bridge Street Drunks | 526 N Bridge St | Visalia | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
12:00 PM | Visalia Weekday Noon Valley Group Online AA Meeting | The Valley Group Visalia | Online Visalia, CA | Exeter | Discussion English Newcomer + Open Meeting Speaker |
12:00 PM | Nooners Group | Nooners Group Visalia | 1311 W Murray Ave | Visalia | English Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | Young People on Fire | The Valley Group Visalia | 120 N Hall St | Visalia | Candlelight English Open Meeting + Young People |
5:30 PM | Unity Through Traditions | Unity Through Traditions Visalia | 1311 W Murray Ave | Visalia | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions English Open Meeting |
6:00 PM | Bridge Street Drunks Only | Bridge Street Drunks | 526 N Bridge St | Visalia | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions English |
7:00 PM | Un Dia A La Vez | Un Dia A La Vez | 10441 Avenue 416 | Dinuba | Open Meeting Spanish |
7:00 PM | Grupo Deseo De Vivir De Hanford | Grupo Deseo De Vivir De Hanford | 548 South 11th Avenue | Hanford | Spanish |
7:00 PM | Grupo Fe Y Amistad | Grupo Fe Y Amistad Orosi | CA-63, Orosi, CA | Orosi | Spanish |
7:00 PM | Grupo Humildes | Grupo Humildes Visalia | 1130 N Ben Maddox Way | Visalia | Spanish |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Porterville, California AA Meetings
Porterville is a city in the San Joaquin Valley, in Tulare County, California. The city is struggling with an increasing level of alcohol dependence and to rectify this, the AA community has set up AA meetings in Porterville CA to help residents who struggle with alcohol addiction. Our AA directory lists all local AA California meetings. AA stands for Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a mutual support community that helps achieve long-lasting sobriety and avoid relapses for people who are dependent on alcohol. AA meetings are places where members meet and share their rich experiences and insights related to alcohol dependence with others facing similar drinking problems. Members of the AA community are encouraged to attend AA meetings regularly and trust the process itself. Advice and moral support could be offered by more experienced members who have been sober for a while. AA meetings are essentially a fellowship. It is an opportunity for people to make new friends and develop ways to deal with symptoms of withdrawal and cravings. These valuable activities can make individuals realize that they are not in this alone. Also, hearing stories from others who share the same issues helps people to understand that many individuals are successful in overcoming addiction and achieving long-lasting sobriety.