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Find AA Meetings in Blue Mound, Illinois

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Find AA meetings in Blue Mound, Illinois to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Illinois includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Noon Group Discovery 313 W Cook St Springfield Closed Meeting   English
12:00 PM Altered Attitudes Easy Does It Club 514 N Walnut St Springfield Closed Meeting   English
12:00 PM ROAD TO RECOVERY ROAD TO RECOVERY 130 W Eldorado St Decatur English   Open Meeting
2:00 PM Everyday Steps: 1-3 Alano Hall 516 Bryn Mawr Blvd Springfield English   Open Meeting   Step Meeting

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Blue Mound, Illinois AA Meetings

Blue Mound, a village in Macon County, Illinois, has Alcoholics Anonymous locations in its community to help residents who are struggling with an addiction to alcohol. Alcoholics Anonymous or AA has become the gold standard method for treating nearly all types of addiction. It has spawned a plethora of addiction and compulsive behavior recovery programs including Debtors Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous that have all emulated it in their own way. Though it is one of the foremost treatment options for alcohol addiction, AA does not reject or compete with medicine or psychiatry. Members can seek psychotherapy, professional counseling, and take medications while going through the AA program. As a matter of fact, most mental health professionals refer their patients to AA. They even utilize the 12-Steps principles or incorporate 12-Steps counseling in their treatment programs. This practice is called 12-Steps facilitation. With over 100,000 groups and one million members from more than 150 countries worldwide, AA groups continue to grow. It is run by senior members who overcame alcohol addiction and remained sober for a long time. These senior members have a strong desire to help others achieve long-term sobriety. groups all AA meetings Illinois including AA meetings in Blue Mound.

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