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Find AA Meetings in Pittsburg, Kansas

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Find AA meetings in Pittsburg, Kansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Kansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
7:00 AM Pittsburg Group Pittsburg Group N Fairview St Pittsburg English   Open Meeting
12:15 PM Pittsburg Group Pittsburg Group N Fairview St Pittsburg English   Open Meeting
6:30 PM Pittsburg Group Pittsburg Group N Fairview St Pittsburg English   Men's Meeting   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Nevada Group Nevada Group 301 S Pine St Nevada English   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access
12:00 PM Second Chance Mercy - McCune Brooks Hospital - Conference Rm 1942 3125 Dr Russell Smith Way Carthage Closed Meeting   English
12:00 PM One Day at a Time Joplin One Day at a Time Joplin 1800 East 30th Street Joplin Closed Meeting
12:00 PM Parsons Group Parsons Group 3101 Morgan Ave Parsons English   Open Meeting
5:30 PM Plug in the Jug Plug in the Jug 1800 E 30th St Joplin English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM Newcomers Newcomers 1800 E 30th St Joplin Closed Meeting   English
7:00 PM Joplin Original Group Christ's Community United Methodist Church 2700 E 44th St Joplin Closed Meeting   Discussion   English
7:00 PM Nevada Group Nevada Group 301 S Pine St Nevada English   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access
7:30 PM Lamar Group Lamar Group 1100 Broadway St Lamar English   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access
8:00 PM Parsons Group Parsons Group 3101 Morgan Ave Parsons English

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Pittsburg, Kansas AA Meetings

Pittsburg is a well-populated city in Crawford County, southeast Kansas. Alcohol addiction is a common ailment among many residents of this city. The effects of alcohol addiction on individuals can range from anxiety, depression, and emotional imbalance to health complications. For these affected persons seeking long-term sobriety from alcohol, AA meetings in Pittsburg have great programs in place for them. During meetings, participants can open up about all their addiction struggles without feeling ashamed. This is because all AA meetings in Kansas do not discriminate against individuals because of their ugly alcohol addiction experiences. Instead, members are very empathic, and walk them through counseling, hold group and private therapy sessions, and guide them to recovery using the 12-step approach program. These programs are very effective, and many participants have followed them consistently to achieve noteworthy improvements. AA meetings are of different types, which is useful in providing comprehensive solutions to participants’ alcohol addiction struggles. The treatment makes up the recovery process, as alcohol addiction is a physical ailment that affects the body. You can contact our specialists, as they have enough information on available alcohol detox centers and rehab centers in Pittsburg. Go on to, locate the nearest AA meeting venue to your home, and get started.

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