Find AA meetings in Adrian, Michigan to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Michigan includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:30 AM | Zoombusters | Zoombusters | Online Swanton, OH 43558 | Swanton | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | Dawnbusters | Dawnbusters | 5425 Southwyck Blvd #120 | Toledo | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | OnRamp Friday Group | Online only. | Online Ann Arbor, MI 48103 | Ann Arbor | Big Book English Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | New Awakening Zoom | Online only. | Online Ann Arbor, MI 48105 | Ann Arbor | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Al Cameron Group | Al Cameron Group | 3828 E Michigan Ave | Jackson | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Amazing Grace | Amazing Grace | 4441 Monroe St | Toledo | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Sylvania Morning Serenity | Sylvania Morning Serenity | 6517 Brint Rd | Sylvania | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Perrysburg AM | Perrysburg AM | 28744 Simmons Rd | Perrysburg | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Big Book English + Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Perrysburg AM | Perrysburg AM Online | Online Perrysburg, OH 43551 | Perrysburg | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Big Book English + Open Meeting |
7:30 AM | ZOOMBIRDZ | ZOOMBIRDZ | Online Toledo, OH 43623 | Toledo | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:30 AM | 2 Pages a Day Big Book | Online only. | Online Ann Arbor, MI 48103 | Ann Arbor | Big Book Closed Meeting English |
7:30 AM | Early Bird | Early Bird | 5425 Southwyck Blvd #120 | Toledo | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:45 AM | AM Group | AM Group | 2434 W Sylvania Ave | Toledo | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Big Book Discussion + English Open Meeting |
9:00 AM | Sunshine Group of AA | 1st United Methodist Church | 128 Park St | Chelsea | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
9:00 AM | Al-Anon: Serenity Seekers Group | King of Kings Lutheran Church | Online 2685 Packard St | Ann Arbor | Concurrent with Al-Anon English |
9:00 AM | Grateful Group Jackson | Grateful Group Jackson | 801 South Mechanic Street | Jackson | Closed Meeting Discussion Wheelchair Access |
9:00 AM | Downtown Group Jackson | Downtown Group Jackson | 120 North Jackson Street | Jackson | Closed Meeting Discussion |
9:30 AM | Conscious Contact Ann Arbor | Conscious Contact Ann Arbor | Online 995 North Maple Road | Ann Arbor | Closed Meeting Discussion |
9:30 AM | Just For Today Monroe | Just For Today | 924 East 3rd Street | Monroe | Discussion Open Meeting |
9:30 AM | New Dawn Group | Friends of Little House | 802 N River St | Ypsilanti | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Adrian, Michigan AA Meetings
Adrian is a city in Lenawee County, Michigan. It is the seat of the county, located in the southeast area of the state. Adrian is one of the most underrated tourist and recreational hotspots in Michigan, as it is home to some lovely rolling hills and lakes. It is also home to the Michigan International Speedway, which many use for recreational activities. With a safe environment and great weather, Adrian has undoubtedly become a top place to live in Michigan. If you’re recovering from alcohol addiction. You can also enjoy a great deal from living in Adrian. One of such benefits is the assortment of AA meetings Michigan available. These meetings will help you to get better with your sobriety, and you can effectively recover from there. As with other forms of AA meetings, you stand to gain quite a lot when you sign up for any of the AA meetings in Adrian. The sessions allow you to come in contact with people who are at different stages of the recovery journey. You can speak with them, understand their processes, and provide tips to them from your experiences. This approach leads to everyone eventually getting better, and you can gain a great deal from it.