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Alcoholics Resources

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Startling Facts about Alcoholism and How Breakthrough Treatment Helps You Get Sober

December 2, 2015 | Contributor

Alcohol remains and has always been the most commonly abused addictive substance across the globe. Easy access to alcohol, relative affordability and the overall permissive attitude towards alcohol use in American culture all contribute to rates of alcoholism. For people most susceptible to addiction, these conditions make it that much easier to get caught up…

Getting Sober for the Holidays Using Alcoholics Anonymous

December 1, 2015 | Contributor

The holidays are a wonderful time for some enjoy time with family and friends. To others it is an extremely lonely time fraught with stress, depression, and anxiety. According to the Mayo Clinic, many people find themselves turning to alcohol when life gets stressful. This is even frequent during the holidays because alcohol use is…

How to explain not Drinking during the Holidays to your Friends and Family

November 29, 2015 | Contributor

The holidays are a time for drinking and merriment and many people will encourage you to drink during this time. If you know you have a problem with alcohol or are a recovering alcoholic, then you will need to find a way to explain or at least refuse the numerous offers of alcohol. The holidays…

10 Ways to Handle the Stress of the Holidays without Alcohol

November 28, 2015 | Contributor

Everyone can agree that the holidays are a stressful time. For everyone dealing with an alcohol abuse problem, this stress is drastically compounded. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, handling stress is a great way to avoid drinking. 1. Exercise Science has shown that regular periods of moderate exercise not only…

5 Ways to Avoid Drinking During the Holidays

November 27, 2015 | Contributor

The holidays are all about celebration, and, for better or worse, alcohol plays a major part in some of the most honored traditions. Because of this, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, people are more likely to drink, and drink more heavily, during the holidays. This makes the holidays an especially…

The Main Philosophies of Alcoholics Anonymous

November 26, 2015 | Contributor

Alcoholics Anonymous, the first of the 12-step programs and that which every other 12-step model is based upon, has many philosophies. Sometimes, it can be difficult to separate the most important of those and to understand what you must focus on most intensely as a recovering alcoholic in AA. Below are these main philosophies of…

The 10 Best Things about Recovery from Alcoholism

November 25, 2015 | Contributor

The working definition of recovery from mental disorders and/or substance use disorders, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is “A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.” Recovery from alcoholism means a lot of different…

5 Alcohol Addiction Recovery Tips that Guarantee Sobriety

November 19, 2015 | Contributor

Sobriety is more than the achievement of abstinence. It’s a new way to think about things in a more positive perspective with a change in character that elicits self-control over cravings, attitudes, and motivations to stay sober. It is a progress that requires day to day efforts to stay on track and maintain hope, for…

Will Alcohol Rehab Help Me Stay Motivated to Remain Sober?

November 16, 2015 | Contributor

Anyone who’s struggled with alcohol abuse issues for any length of time well knows how overwhelming cravings can soon thwart any desire to cut back or stop drinking. After so many months of excess drinking, alcohol’s cumulative effects gradually take hold of your thinking, will and behaviors. Alcohol rehab programs specialize in addressing both the…

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