Find AA meetings in Fairmount, Indiana to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Indiana includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Primary Purpose | Primary Purpose - 71 | 1593 Stitt St | Wabash | Discussion English Open Meeting + Smoking Permitted |
1:00 PM | Open Discussion | Open Discussion - 77 | 1301 N Webster St | Kokomo | Discussion English Open Meeting |
2:00 PM | Nuthin Better To Do Group | Suburban North Club | 16065 Prosperity Dr | Noblesville | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
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Fairmount, Indiana AA Meetings
Fairmount is a town in Fairmount Township, Grant County in the east-central part of Indiana; it is 55 miles northeast of Indianapolis. If you are searching for AA meetings in Fairmount, our online directory of AA meetings in Indiana may be helpful. There are many steps to implementing Alcoholics Anonymous’ as your addiction recovery program. To recover from addiction, you first need to find a regular meeting (called a homegroup). Your homegroup is where you will find a sponsor. The next step is to get involved in service. What is AA service work? Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) emphasizes the importance of service as a way to maintain sobriety. Being a part of the AA fellowship means participating in activities that directly carry its message or allow others to do so. Coffee making, facilitating (chairing) meetings and serving as a group’s General Service Representative (ensuring there is enough AA literature for the group) are types of AA service work. Service work can also involve volunteering for jobs like greeting visitors at the door and answering phones. Certain jobs at AA Inner Group require that you have been sober a specific amount of time. Our directory of AA meetings can be found online in cities across the country and in our online directory. We can help you locate addiction treatment programs in your area if you contact one of our treatment specialists.