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Find AA Meetings in Independence, Kansas

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Find AA meetings in Independence, Kansas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Kansas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Independence Group Independence Group 213 W Oak St Independence English   Open Meeting
10:00 AM Parsons Group Parsons Group 3101 Morgan Ave Parsons English
10:30 AM Oak Park AA Group Oak Park AA Group 601 Brentwood Rd Bartlesville Big Book   English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Bartlesville Downtown Bartlesville Downtown 325 S Osage Ave Bartlesville Discussion   English   Open Meeting
5:00 PM Twin Rivers Group Twin Rivers Group Osage St & N 7th St Neodesha English
6:30 PM Rednecks in Recovery Rednecks in Recovery 408 S Pine St Nowata English   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access
7:00 PM Bartlesville Downtown Bartlesville Downtown 325 S Osage Ave Bartlesville Big Book   English   Open Meeting
8:00 PM Parsons Group Parsons Group 3101 Morgan Ave Parsons English
8:30 PM Chanute 12X12 Group Chanute 12X12 Group 816 S Malcolm Ave Chanute English   Open Meeting

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Independence, Kansas AA Meetings

Independence is a city in and the county seat of Montgomery County, Kansas. Inhabitants of Independence who are addicted to alcohol are always on the lookout for appropriate rehab centers and treatment facilities, as alcohol use disorder necessitates immediate attention. In Independence and the surrounding towns, there are several treatment facilities for people who are addicted to alcohol. If you need help finding the best facilities in your area, contact our team of experts. Independence has several support groups in addition to treatment facilities, one of which is the Alcoholics Anonymous community. AA meetings in Independence and other towns are organized by the Alcoholics Anonymous community to provide support for people in recovery. All people who are struggling with alcohol use disorder, regardless of their stage of addiction, are welcome in the Alcoholics Anonymous community. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings have proven to be extremely beneficial. They create a welcoming environment in which members can feel accepted and valued, ultimately motivating them to stay sober while undergoing professional treatment and afterward. In essence, combining AA meetings with professional assistance is an excellent way to overcome alcohol use disorder more quickly and stay sober for a longer period. We’ve gathered all of the AA meetings in Kansas in one place to help people in Independence and beyond. Go to for a detailed guide on where and how to find the nearest AA meetings near you.

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