Find AA meetings in Ionia, Michigan to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Michigan includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
7:00 AM | Northside Group | Zion United Methodist Church | 423 W Washington St | Ionia | English Open Meeting Temporary Closure |
9:00 AM | Grupo Libertad | Ionia, 287 S Steele, Ionia, MI, 48847 | 300 S Steele St, Ionia, MI 48846, United States | Ionia | Closed Meeting Spanish Temporary Closure |
12:08 AM | Guiding Light Recovery | 255 Division Ave S, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, USA | Grand Rapids | ||
6:30 AM | Early Risers | Alano Club South | 256 Celia St SW | Grand Rapids | Closed Meeting English Wheelchair Access |
6:30 AM | Pilgrim Early Birds | Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ | 125 S Pennsylvania Ave | Lansing | Big Book Closed Meeting English |
7:15 AM | Breton Road Early Birds | St Paul United Methodist Church, 3334 Breton Rd,,Kentwood, MI, 49512 | Online 3334 Breton Rd SE | Kentwood | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:30 AM | Keeps Getting Better | Alano Club of Kent County | 1020 College Ave NE | Grand Rapids | English Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | Morning Steppers | First Step House | 965 Bridge St NW | Grand Rapids | English Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | Just for Today | Trinity Episcopal Church | 201 E Jefferson St | Grand Ledge | Big Book Closed Meeting English |
8:00 AM | Mt. Hope AM Group | Mt. Hope Group | 5509 S Pennsylvania Ave | Lansing | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
8:00 AM | Charlotte Virtual Alano AA Meeting | Charlotte, MI, 48813 | Online Charlotte, MI 48813 | Charlotte | Closed Meeting English |
8:00 AM | Big Book Study Grand Rapids | Big Book Study Grand Rapids | 256 Celia Street Southwest | Grand Rapids | Big Book Closed Meeting Wheelchair Access |
8:00 AM | Happy Hour Grand Rapids | Happy Hour Grand Rapids | 256 Celia Street Southwest | Grand Rapids | Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
8:15 AM | Topic Meeting | ACE 8:15 am | 220 Howard St | Lansing | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
9:00 AM | Pick a Topic | Alano West Club | 2909 W Genesee St | Lansing | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
9:00 AM | Searching For A Solution | Barry County Serenity Club | 301 S Michigan Ave | Hastings | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
9:00 AM | Eye Opener Group | Alano Club of Kent County | 1020 College Ave NE | Grand Rapids | English Open Meeting Temporary Closure + Wheelchair Access |
9:00 AM | Breathe Easy | Alano Club of Kent County | Online 1020 College Ave NE | Grand Rapids | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
9:00 AM | Road to Recovery | Alano West Club | 2909 W Genesee St | Lansing | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
10:00 AM | Charlotte Fellowship Hall Group | Charlotte Fellowship Hall | 202 Cochran Ave | Charlotte | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Ionia, Michigan AA Meetings
Ionia is a city located in Ionia County, in the state of Michigan. It is the largest city in the county, therefore, there are some people who have been dealing with alcohol-related issues for a while. Given the fact that there are millions of people in the United States who are dealing with Alcohol Use Disorder, AA meetings in Ionia have been organized to help that number from increasing. AA meetings Michigan recovery program has recognized that people seek help and would like to find a way to overcome their alcohol issues. Thankfully, there are many AA meetings organized across the state. They offer a great solution where people can gather, talk with others, listen, and learn the necessary values to become immune from excessive alcohol consumption. These group meetings have shown to be highly effective where many people have gone through the recovery process and successfully defeated alcohol dependence. There are dozens of different types of AA meetings for you to choose from. In addition, the great news is that you can bring your relative, partner, or friend to support you during sessions. The only thing that is required is your strong will and commitment to overcome alcohol addiction. With that in place, long-term sobriety is very much achievable.