Find AA meetings in Baltimore, Maryland to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Maryland includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:00 AM | Wake Up World | Wake Up World | Online Baltimore, MD | Baltimore | Daily Reflections Discussion English + Open Meeting |
6:45 AM | Early Bird Baltimore | Early Bird | Online 2523 Maryland Avenue | Baltimore | Discussion Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Agape | Agape | Online Baltimore, MD | Baltimore | Discussion English Open Meeting + Step Meeting Wheelchair Access |
5:00 AM | Grupo Virtual Washingtonianos | Northwest DC | Online Northwest Washington, Washington, DC | Washington | Closed Meeting Meditation Spanish |
6:00 AM | Wake Up East | Online | Online Severna Park, MD | Severna Park | Discussion English |
6:00 AM | Wake Up West Group | Sasswell Healing Arts Venue | 497 Ritchie Hwy | Severna Park | English Literature |
6:00 AM | Wake Up World | Online | Online Davidsonville, MD 21035 | Davidsonville | Discussion English |
6:00 AM | Wake Up East Group | Holy Grounds Youth Center | 617 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd | Severna Park | Discussion English |
6:00 AM | Living Sober | 180 Club | Online 4318 Hamilton St | Hyattsville | English Living Sober Open Meeting |
6:00 AM | Columbia Dawn Patrol | Alano Club | Online 9231 Rumsey Rd | Columbia | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | The Early Risers | St. Pauls Church of Christ | 17 Bond St | Westminster | English Open Meeting Step Meeting + Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
6:30 AM | Daystarters | Epworth United Methodist Church | Online 600 Warren Rd | Cockeysville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:45 AM | Tools of Recovery | Greenbelt Step Club 6:45AM | 143 Centerway | Greenbelt | Closed Meeting English |
6:45 AM | Sunrise Sobriety | Sunrise Sobriety | 7611 Clarendon Rd | Bethesda | Discussion English Open Meeting + Speaker |
6:45 AM | Tools of Recovery | Greenbelt Step Club 6:45AM | Online Greenbelt, MD | Greenbelt | Closed Meeting English |
6:45 AM | Sunrise Zoom | Global Sunrise Zoom | Online Bethesda, MD | Bethesda | Discussion English Open Meeting + Speaker |
7:00 AM | First Things First | Rockville Metro | 12319 Washington Ave | Rockville | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Pillars in the Park | Cabin John | 7400 Tuckerman Ln | Bethesda | English Open Meeting Outdoor Meeting |
7:00 AM | One Hour Back | One Hour Back | Online Silver Spring, MD | Silver Spring | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Anacostia Young People | Anacostia Young People | 2451 Ainger Pl SE | Washington | English Open Meeting |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Baltimore, Maryland AA Meetings
Baltimore is perhaps the most famous city in Maryland. With its focus on alcohol treatment and addiction recovery, it’s no wonder hundreds of thousands live here. Baltimore is also home to several of the top AA meetings Maryland offers. The city has many people who live with alcohol addiction, and you can rest assured that these meetings will do a great deal to help them cope with this addiction and get to be better people. The Baltimore AA meetings are especially great because they provide that family and community feeling you need as you go through the stressful addiction recovery phase. Many will recommend that you try the open meetings. These gatherings allow anyone in – whether they are struggling with addiction or not. So, if you need some additional support, you could always take a friend or a family member with you. You can rest assured that with their help, recovery will be much easier. Feel free to speak to anyone about your challenges and progress, and you can get proper insights that will help you from them. Please check through our catalog to get what you need if you want more information about available meetings.