Find AA meetings in Snow Hill, Maryland to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Maryland includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
1:00 PM | Seaside Open Discussion | Angola Seaside Group | 32682 Angola Rd | Lewes | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
4:00 PM | Seaside Acceptance | Seaside Acceptance Group | 34281 Omar Rd | Frankford | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Snow Hill, Maryland AA Meetings
Snow Hill is a small town in Worcester County, Maryland. Alcoholics Anonymous is an international organization dedicated to helping people overcome alcohol use disorder. AA chapters are found throughout the United States, including in Snow Hill. Our online directory can help you find information about AA meetings in Snow Hill, as well as AA meetings Maryland. AA meetings in Snow Hill are led by other AA members who are also recovering from alcohol use disorder. The AA meetings Maryland are held in a very friendly and warm environment, offering a welcoming camaraderie. Family members and friends may also attend to provide support and encouragement. There is a level of love and respect that is shown to everyone at these meetings. AA meetings Maryland uses the successful 12-step approach to recovery, along with peer support as members share their stories. However, AA does not provide treatment for alcohol addiction. Professional treatment starts with a supervised detoxification process, usually aided with medications to address difficult withdrawal symptoms. Different types of talk therapy are available to help you gain personal insights and new mental skills for moving forward in life. Our specialists can help you find an alcohol use treatment center near you, which can provide you with full recovery services including detoxification, medication, therapy, and other support. If you need assistance, call our 24-hour helpline today.