Find AA meetings in Bayville, New York to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in New York includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
2:00 AM | Midnite | MIDNITE #12920 | Online New York, NY 10014 | New York | Discussion English Speaker |
6:00 AM | Morning Call | MORNING CALL #13088 | 133 W 46th St | New York | English Open Meeting Speaker |
6:00 AM | First Things First | FIRST THINGS FIRST #11520 | Online 207 W 96th St | New York | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions English Open Meeting |
6:00 AM | MOVING FORWARD | MOVING FORWARD | Online Bay Shore, NY | Bay Shore | Big Book Closed Meeting English |
6:00 AM | SUNRISE SOBRIETY | United Methodist Church | 107 E Main St | Bay Shore | Closed Meeting Daily Reflections English |
6:00 AM | Brewster Earlier Birds | BREWSTER EARLIER BIRDS #120000 | Online 460 N Main St | Brewster | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
6:00 AM | Sobriety Fix At Six | Sobriety Fix At Six | Online Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY | Brooklyn | English Temporary Closure |
6:00 AM | Bethpage Bobble Heads I | Bethpage Bobble Heads Group I | 220 Central Ave | Bethpage | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Literature |
6:00 AM | Reflections Plainview | Reflections | 560 Old Bethpage Road | Plainview | Closed Meeting |
6:15 AM | AM Group | AM Group | 71 N Village Ave | Rockville Centre | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Living Sober |
6:15 AM | SUNRISE REFLECTIONS | VFW in St James on Lake Ave | 460 Lake Ave | St. James | Closed Meeting Daily Reflections English |
6:30 AM | Exchange Views At St Margarets House | Exchange Views At St Margarets House #11459 | 49 Fulton Street | New York | Step Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:30 AM | Exchange Views | EXCHANGE VIEWS @ ST MARGARET’S HOUSE #11459 | Online Peck Slip | New York | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Discussion English |
6:30 AM | Sober Start | Sober Start | Online 114 Main Ave | Sea Cliff | Daily Reflections English |
6:30 AM | SUNRISE SOLUTION | Sunrise Solution | Online Queens, NY | Queens | Discussion English Step Meeting |
6:30 AM | Early Risers Grp | Early Risers Group | Online 75 E Olive St | Long Beach | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | Early Risers Group Virtual | Early Risers Group | Online 75 East Olive Street | Long Beach | Discussion Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | Choices | Choices | Online 115 Ryefield Rd | Locust Valley | English Step Meeting Temporary Closure |
7:00 AM | Morning Peoples Group | Morning People's Group | 62 West Palisade Avenue | Englewood | Closed Meeting Discussion Grapevine |
7:00 AM | Sunrise Sobriety | 688622 | 101 Main St | Ansonia | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Bayville, New York AA Meetings
AA meetings in Bayville are now happening at multiple locations within this village. Also known as Pine Island, Bayville is a village located on Long Island Sound. It faces Greenwich and Connecticut and was incorporated in 1919. It is a part of Oyster Bay town in Nassau County. Alcoholics Anonymous takes advantage of the beautiful sceneries in this village while proffering solutions for alcohol addiction. By delivering support to affected individuals through the most natural means, they have recorded tremendous success. There are no costs or charges required for membership. Making a decision to register for AA meetings in Bayville is sometimes difficult. To encourage participation, support services are delivered in a confidential environment. Newly registered members enjoy guidance and constant support from older members. Long lasting friendships can also be made with older members. Friends along with group and family members work towards achieving this collective goal – recovery from alcohol addiction – for their loved ones. AA meetings in Bayville are scheduled in a flexible manner. Like other NY AA meetings, they have options where they address various needs of people with alcohol dependence. These include open meetings, closed meetings, beginner meetings, 12 Step meetings, Big book meetings, speaker meetings and discussion meetings. A call will begin your journey to recovery.