Find AA meetings in Kingston, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Hawley-Wallenpaupack Group | Hawley United Methodist Church | 315 Church St | Hawley | Big Book Closed Meeting English |
12:00 PM | TANNERSVILLE WOMEN'S GROUP | NorthBound & Co. Community Recovery Center | 6258 US-209 | Stroudsburg | As Bill Sees It English Wheelchair Access + Women's Meeting |
12:00 PM | Arc Of Life Group | Sacred Heart of Jesus & Mary | 624 Madison Ave | Jermyn | English Temporary Closure |
12:00 PM | Mid-Valley Noon Group | Mid-Valley Noon Group | 205 Grant St | Olyphant | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions English Open Meeting + Step Meeting |
12:00 PM | BLAKESLEE GROUP | Faith Lutheran Church | 550 PA-940 | Blakeslee | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Step Meeting Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | The Worst Is Over | The Hall | 415 N 8th Ave | Scranton | English |
12:00 PM | Life is Good | St. Paul Methodist Church | 1000 Orange St | Berwick | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
12:00 PM | Live Easy But Think First | Triangle 24 Hr Clubhouse | Online 4143 Memorial Hwy | Dallas | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
12:00 PM | Noon in Bloom | First Presbyterian Church | 345 Market St | Bloomsburg | Discussion English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | OPEN: Recovery, Unity, Service Group | Christ Lutheran Church | 210 W Green St | Hazleton | Discussion English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Courage to Change | Lake Ariel United Methodist Church | 110 Maple Ave | Lake Ariel | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
12:00 PM | Willingness Group | Boy Scout Building | 53 Lincoln St | Exeter | Discussion English Open Meeting + Temporary Closure |
12:00 PM | Wyoming Area Recovery Group | Boy Scout Building | 53 Lincoln St | Exeter | English |
12:00 PM | Break For Noon Group | Trinity Congregational Church | 229 S Main Ave | Scranton | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Temporary Closure |
12:00 PM | Midday Meeting | 1st Presbyterian Church | 97 S Franklin St | Wilkes-Barre | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Temporary Closure |
12:00 PM | KISS Group | Mt Bethel Baptist Church | 1341 Layton Rd | Clarks Summit | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Kingston, Pennsylvania AA Meetings
Kingston is a borough in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. The city is home to a few people suffering from alcohol use disorder. Not only does alcohol addiction affect people, but it affects the whole society. It has recently become a major public health problem in the United States, as well as one of the main causes of deaths that can be avoided. Facing this fight alone is not easy because it is challenging to remain sober after being addicted to alcohol, and the withdrawal symptoms could be too much to manage for an individual. This was recognized by the society many years ago and the AA community was created. It is a society where mutual support is used as a tool to overcome addiction to alcohol. To ensure that the intervention is accessible to all, the community holds AA meetings in various locations. At AA meetings in Kingston, the ambiance is warm and welcoming. People feel free at the meetings and there is no reprimand because every member of the group has previously dealt with alcohol addiction. To make your search easier, some Alcoholics Anonymous Pennsylvania meetings have been sorted by city on our website. That is one part of our extensive means of helping victims of alcohol dependency in their battle for sobriety. We have also set up a team of professionals who are available to help you at any level of your recovery. Reach us if you need some support.