Find AA meetings in Palmyra, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:45 AM | On Awakening Group | On Awakening Group | 1 Carlisle Ave | Reading | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | 7-Up | West Art Community Center | 816 Buchanan Ave | Lancaster | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Attitude Adjustment Meeting Lancaster | Attitude Adjustment Meeting Lancaster | 2400 Butter Road | Lancaster | Discussion Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | 7 Up Group Lancaster | 7 Up Group | 816 Buchanan Avenue | Lancaster | Ask It Basket Daily Reflections Discussion + Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Lititz Life On Life's Terms As Bill Sees It - Rohrerstown | Online | Online Rohrerstown, PA 17603 | Rohrerstown | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Fellowship House | Fellowship House | 1251 S 19th St | Harrisburg | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Sober @ 7 - Rohrerstown | Online | Online Rohrerstown, PA 17603 | Rohrerstown | Daily Reflections Discussion English + Open Meeting |
7:30 AM | As Bill Sees It - Camp Hill | Camp Hill United Methodist Church | 417 S 22nd St | Camp Hill | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Wheelchair Access Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
7:30 AM | Mornings With Bill W | Online-Harrisburg | Online Harrisburg, PA 17104 | Harrisburg | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
7:30 AM | Attitude Adjustment | Attitude Adjustment | 1149 E Clarke Ave | York | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Big Book Discussion + English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
8:00 AM | Meditation Meeting - Rohrerstown | Online | Online Rohrerstown, PA 17603 | Rohrerstown | English |
8:00 AM | Good Morning Sobriety | New Life Community Church | 65 E North St | Carlisle | Discussion English Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | 8AM Group | 8AM Group | 11 N Richland Ave | York | Discussion English Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | Good Morning Sobriety 65 East North Street | Good Morning Sobriety 65 East North Street | 65 East North Street | Carlisle | Discussion Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | The Ordinary Misfits | The Ordinary Misfits | Online York, PA | York | Big Book Discussion English + Open Meeting |
8:15 AM | COMBO: 8:15 AM Group | Atonement Parish Center | Online Lynne Ave & Penn Ave | Wyomissing | As Bill Sees It English Living Sober + Open Meeting |
9:00 AM | Our Spiritual Kindergarten | 521 Club | 2400 Butter Rd | Lancaster | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
10:00 AM | Turning Point Group Wyomissing | Turning Point Group Wyomissing | U.S. 422 Business | Wyomissing | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Closed Meeting Discussion + Step Meeting |
11:00 AM | Fellowship Group Lebanon | Fellowship Group Lebanon | 353 North 10th Street | Lebanon | Discussion Open Meeting |
11:30 AM | Easier Softer Way Group Camp Hill | Easier Softer Way Group Camp Hill | Market Street | Camp Hill | Closed Meeting Discussion Wheelchair Access |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Palmyra, Pennsylvania AA Meetings
Palmyra is a city in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. Just like the original Palmyra in Syria, the city doesn’t offer much in terms of attractions. However, what it offers is proximity to places like Hershey, which are urban centers in their right. So, some people who work in the neighboring cities eventually settled in Palmyra, and it grew to become a considerable settlement in its own right. Today, Palmyra has a population that runs into the thousands and is an excellent place to live. As you can expect, Palmyra also has some excellent alcoholics anonymous Pennsylvania meetings that can help you to defeat your addiction and live a healthy life once more. For years, the AA meetings in Palmyra have survived and have been living up to their commitment to helping alcohol addicts. Their results are stellar, and they speak for themselves. With these AA meetings, you can get the right type of help and improve your life significantly. They offer you an opportunity to beat addiction at your pace, so rest assured that they won’t pressure you. As you see other people in your community and get tips from them, you can also share tips with them. From one day to another, you can make progress and eventually work your way to sobriety.