Find AA meetings in Waverly, Virginia to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Virginia includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
7:00 AM | Sunlight of the Spirit | District 38 - Historic Virginia | Williamsburg, VA | Williamsburg | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:30 AM | Early Morning Serenity | District 29 - South of the James | 6020 Midlothian Turnpike | Richmond | English Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | Book Club Meeting | District 16 - South Central | 100 Wilson Ave | Wakefield | English |
8:30 AM | Steps Into Sobriety ZOOM | District 38 - Historic Virginia | Online Williamsburg, VA | Williamsburg | English Step Meeting |
8:30 AM | Steps Into Sobriety | District 38 - Historic Virginia | 3279 Lake Powell Rd | Williamsburg | English Open Meeting Step Meeting |
9:00 AM | Me N U Group Bernardine Dr | Me-N-U Group | Online 2 Bernardine Drive | Newport News | Discussion Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
9:00 AM | Me-n-U Group | Knights Of Columbus Lodge | Online 12742 Nettles Dr | Newport News | Discussion English Open Meeting |
9:30 AM | Sunday Morning Meeting | Sunday Morning Meeting | 2800 Godwin Blvd | Suffolk | Discussion English Open Meeting + Temporary Closure Wheelchair Access |
9:30 AM | Commuter Group | District 16 - South Central | 110 N Union St | Petersburg | English Open Meeting |
9:30 AM | Suffered Enough on Sundays | District 29 - South of the James | 6221 Newbys Bridge Rd | Chesterfield | English Open Meeting |
9:30 AM | Sunday Morning Promises Group | District 18 - City of Richmond | Online Richmond, VA | Richmond | Discussion English Open Meeting + Speaker |
9:30 AM | The Awakenings Group | District 29 - South of the James | Online 231 E Belt Blvd | Richmond | Babysitting Available English Open Meeting + Speaker |
10:00 AM | Easy Does It Group Williamsburg | Easy Does It Group | Online 125 Pasbehegh Drive | Williamsburg | Discussion Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | FE Y ESPERANZA | 306 Turner Rd, Richmond, VA 23225, USA | 306 Turner Rd | Richmond | Discussion Spanish |
2:30 PM | Room To Spare | District 38 - Historic Virginia | 3279 Lake Powell Rd | Williamsburg | English Open Meeting Temporary Closure |
3:00 PM | F.O.B. meeting | District 16 - South Central | 1901 Sisisky Blvd | Fort Lee | English Open Meeting |
4:00 PM | Blue Star Meeting | District 16 - South Central | 110 N Union St | Petersburg | Big Book English Literature + Open Meeting Speaker Step Meeting |
5:00 PM | Wythe Five O'clock Group | District 08 - Hampton | 151 Robinson Rd | Hampton | English Open Meeting Temporary Closure |
6:00 PM | God Could and Would | Cedar Street Baptist Church | 2301 Cedar St | Richmond | English Open Meeting |
6:30 PM | Norge Serenity Group | District 38 - Historic Virginia | Online 7479 Richmond Rd | Williamsburg | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Waverly, Virginia AA Meetings
Waverly is a city in Sussex County, Virginia. The town is pretty much the ideal Virginia settlement – it doesn’t have so many people, but it attracts those who appreciate the quiet and calming environment. With lovely weather and an assortment of great people, it is pretty easy to see why Waverly will appeal to a lot of folks. The city’s structure also provides an interesting opportunity for people who have been struggling with alcohol addiction and would like to get better. Thanks to the collection of AA Virginia meetings that it has, you can rest assured that Waverly can be your base as you fight through alcohol addiction and become a better version of yourself. Stepping into one of the AA meetings in Waverly, you immediately understand why they are so famous. These meetings provide a simple and interesting approach to addiction recovery, instead focusing on building your self-confidence and ability to get things done on your own. They understand that support is what you need as you work your way through recovery, and this support is exactly what they provide to you. As you go through one day after another, you begin to see that recovery isn’t so much of a challenge. You’ve just got to work for it, and you’ll see incredible dividends right away.