Find AA meetings in Canterbury, Connecticut to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Connecticut includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:00 AM | Sobriety Fix At Six | Online - Rhode Island | Online Warwick, RI | Warwick | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
6:30 AM | Morning Tune Up | How It Works Club | 176 Mechanic St | Bellingham | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Men's Meeting Wheelchair Access Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
7:00 AM | Sober in the Hills | First Church of Monson | 3 High St | Monson | Big Book English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Breakfast With Bill | Our Lady Of The Rosary | Online 463 Benefit St | Providence | 11th Step Meditation English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Sunrise | Sunrise Group | 2072 Main St | Three Rivers | Daily Reflections Discussion English + Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | EARLY RISERS | EARLY RISERS | 5 N Main St | Webster | English Living Sober Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Spiritual Awakening | Online - Rhode Island | Online Narragansett, RI | Narragansett | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Charlton Zoombreaker | Charlton Zoombreaker | Online Charlton, MA 01507 | Charlton | Big Book English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Quietly Among Us AA | 3333 | Online 276 Crystal Lake Rd | Ellington | Daily Reflections English Temporary Closure |
7:00 AM | Spiritual Awakening Narragansett | Spiritual Awakening | 39 Boston Neck Road | Narragansett | Child-Friendly Discussion English + Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Daily Reflections | Unitarian Universalist Congregation | 27 North Road | South Kingstown | Daily Reflections English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Early Bird Group Manchester | 631216 | Online 102 Norman Street | Manchester | Daily Reflections Discussion Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
7:00 AM | Rise and Shine Group | 394466 | Online Manchester, CT | Manchester | Daily Reflections English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Sunlight Of The Spirit Group Middletown | 652708 | 9 Pleasant Street | Middletown | Closed Meeting Daily Reflections Discussion + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Breakfast With Bill 2 | Breakfast With Bill II | Online 463 Benefit Street | Providence | 11th Step Meditation English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Wake Up Call | Wake Up Call Group | Online East Longmeadow, MA 01028 | Longmeadow | Daily Reflections English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Daily Reflections Virtual | Online - Rhode Island | Online South Kingstown, RI | South Kingstown | Daily Reflections English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | COME AS YOU ARE | COME AS YOU ARE | Online Worcester, MA | Worcester | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Joy of Living | Joy of Living | 443 S Main St | Webster | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Spiritual Awakening | Narragansett Town Beach | 39 Boston Neck Rd | Narragansett | Child-Friendly Discussion English + Open Meeting Outdoor Meeting |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Canterbury, Connecticut AA Meetings
Canterbury is a town with thousands of residents in Windham County, Connecticut. Its attraction primarily comes from the calm and peaceful environment, and you’re sure to see a little bit of that if you visit. Recovering alcoholics can gain a great deal from this relaxing environment, and they get to escape the hustle and bustle of urban environments while they embark on a treatment journey. Your journey will also be helped by some AA meetings CT that have established their presence in the town. These meetings have proven to be some of the most effective alcohol addiction treatment facilities in Canterbury, and you can join them easily if you’re looking to keep your alcohol use addiction at bay. The AA meetings in Canterbury continue to do a great deal of work for patients, providing a reliable base of support for anyone looking to come to terms with their addiction. The meetings focus on using group therapy and behavioral treatments, allowing you to identify some of your addiction triggers. From there, they focus on examining possible lifestyle changes that can help you reduce these triggers, thus possibly cutting out your consumption of alcoholic drinks and helping you improve your sobriety.