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Find AA Meetings in Dubuque, Iowa

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Find AA meetings in Dubuque, Iowa to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Iowa includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM High Noon Group Dubuque Fellowship Club 1166 Main St Dubuque English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Basilica Basement Group Street Southwest Basilica Basement Group #105395 104 3rd Street Southwest Dyersville English

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Dubuque, Iowa AA Meetings

Dubuque is the county seat of Dubuque County, Iowa; the town is located along the Mississippi River. If you live or work in the local area and are searching for AA meetings in Iowa, our directory of local AA meetings Dubuque may help.

You can find various types of meetings and addiction recovery groups in Dubuque County, IA. For example, there are men’s meetings, women’s meetings, LGBT meetings, and more. Types of groups include 12-Step Alcoholics Anonymous groups, specific professional groups (such as AA groups for doctors or lawyers), and groups for close friends and family members, called Al-anon groups.

Addiction often has an impact on the entire family. Therefore, when family members choose to support their loved one in recovery by learning about AA and joining Al-anon, it often has a very positive effect on the recovering person, as well as other members of the family. Open AA meetings are available for anyone to attend, including family members. Attending an open meeting is a great way to learn about the 12-Step recovery program and pick up some general information about recovering from alcoholism. Family members who need to employ their own 12-Step recovery program may want to give Al-anon a try. If you want information about other types of recovery treatment programs, call our helpline today.

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