Find AA meetings in Barnstead, New Hampshire to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in New Hampshire includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:30 AM | First Light Of Day Group | Lighthouse Calvary Chapel | 865 Second St | Manchester | English Speaker Wheelchair Access |
6:30 AM | Rise and Shine Online Group | Rise and Shine Online Group | Online Manchester, NH, 03101 | Manchester | Discussion Virtual |
6:30 AM | Primary Purpose Group Manchester | Primary Purpose Group | 695 Mast Road | Manchester | Big Book Speaker |
7:15 AM | Early Bird Group Kennebunk | Early Bird Group Kennebunk | 114 Main Street | Kennebunk | Closed Meeting Discussion Wheelchair Access |
7:30 AM | 7 Day at 7:30 Sunrise Group | Triangle Club | 120 Broadway | Dover | Discussion English Wheelchair Access |
7:30 AM | Attitude Adjustment Group Plymouth | Attitude Adjustment Group Plymouth | Online 231 Main Street | Plymouth | Discussion Virtual Wheelchair Access |
7:30 AM | Early Step Group Laconia | Early Step Group | Online 18 Veterans Square | Laconia | Discussion Speaker Virtual + Wheelchair Access |
7:30 AM | Fourth Dimension Group | Fourth Dimension Group | ME-35 & South St | Lyman | Big Book English Literature + Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | Over Easy Group | Belmont Hall Restaurant | 718 Grove St | Manchester | Discussion English Speaker + Wheelchair Access |
8:00 AM | Conscious Contact Group Derry | Conscious Contact Group | Online 6 Railroad Avenue | Derry | Discussion Hybrid Step Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
8:00 AM | Beginner's Group | St Mary's Church | 236 Eldridge Rd | Wells | Discussion English Newcomer + Open Meeting |
8:00 AM | Entirely Ready Women's Group | Westley United Methodist Church | 79 Clinton St | Concord | Discussion English Grapevine + Women's Meeting |
8:00 AM | Saturday Mens 12 Step Group | Saturday Mens 12 Step Group | Online 211 North Main Street | Concord | Discussion Hybrid Step Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
8:00 AM | Be Happy Group | Be Happy Group | 21 Front Street | Exeter | Discussion Speaker Virtual |
8:00 AM | 3-7-11 Step Group | Rye Congregational Church | 580 Washington Rd | Rye | Discussion English Step Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
8:00 AM | Saturday Morning Group | St. Christopher's Church | 187 East Rd | Hampstead | Discussion English Speaker + Wheelchair Access |
8:30 AM | Sat. Morning Step Mtg Group | South Newbury Union Ch | 162 Village Rd | Newbury | Discussion English Step Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
8:30 AM | Eye Opener Group Dover | Eye Opener Group | Online 120 Broadway | Dover | Discussion Speaker Virtual + Wheelchair Access |
9:00 AM | Kittery Original Group | Portsmouth Senior Center | 125 Cottage St | Portsmouth | English Speaker Wheelchair Access + Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
9:00 AM | Find The Power Group | Episcopal Mission of Franklin | 237 Central St | Franklin | Big Book English Newcomer + Speaker Step Meeting |
No results found!
- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Barnstead, New Hampshire AA Meetings
Home to the Suncook Lakes, Barnstead is a town in Belknap County, New Hampshire. AA meetings in Barnstead, along with other AA meetings in NH, are available to residents with alcohol use disorder (AUD). The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) organization has helped millions of people with AUD through its highly popular AA meetings. These meetings are usually about one hour long and are gatherings of multiple individuals with alcohol use disorder in one location. At AA meetings, participants provide peer support to each other through the sharing of stories and discussion of topics surrounding alcohol use disorder under the stewardship of senior AA members. These senior members act as mentors for newer members. They can be a major source of inspiration since they have maintained sobriety for an extended amount of time. Since it was originally founded in 1935, AA has proven to be an excellent source of support for those dealing with alcohol use disorder. They provide a judgment-free setting where people can share things that are difficult to talk about with people who don’t quite understand what they are going through. Despite the stellar reputation, it’s also important to know that AA is not a form of formal rehab treatment. If you are looking for more than AA meetings in Barnstead, call our specialists today.