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Find AA Meetings in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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Find AA meetings in Cedar Rapids, Iowa to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Iowa includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Mercy Group Edgewood Road Northwest Mercy Group Edgewood Road Northwest 212 Edgewood Road Northwest Cedar Rapids Open Meeting
12:00 PM Mercy Group CR Gratitude 212 Edgewood Rd NW Cedar Rapids English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM For Those Who Want It Industrial Club 225 35th St Marion English
12:10 PM Melrose Group Iowa City, Iowa 511 Melrose Ave Iowa City Discussion   English   Open Meeting
12:10 PM Blue Noon Group Iowa City, Iowa Online 310 N Johnson St Iowa City Closed Meeting   Discussion   English
12:10 PM 511 Melrose Group 511 Melrose Group #128142 511 Melrose Avenue Iowa City English

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Cedar Rapids, Iowa AA Meetings

Known as the “City of Five Seasons,” Cedar Rapids is the second largest city in Iowa and is the county seat of Linn County. Alcoholics Anonymous offers AA meetings in Cedar Rapids, open to anyone with a sincere desire to stop drinking alcohol. Check our online directory for AA meetings Cedar Rapids, as well as AA meetings in Iowa. It may seem scary to take that first step for help, but you’ll find a warm, accepting environment at AA meetings Cedar Rapids. As with AA chapters everywhere, the AA meetings in Cedar Rapids center around participants sharing their stories of how alcohol use disorder has affected their lives. The peer support to be gained by attending AA meetings Cedar Rapids can be an important part of successful recovery. AA meetings in Iowa also teach the 12 Step program, which provides hope and guidance for a brighter future. What AA does not provide is professional treatment for alcohol addiction. Highly recommended for long-lasting sobriety, treatment in Cedar Rapids includes inpatient rehabilitation and outpatient options for medication management and counseling. Therapy can help you understand the source of your alcohol use disorder and take control of your thoughts and actions. Our specialists are available 24/7 to help you get connected to qualified treatment in Cedar Rapids. Call today to get started on your path to a healthier life in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

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