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Find AA Meetings in Iowa City, Iowa

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Find AA meetings in Iowa City, Iowa to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Iowa includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
6:00 AM Breakfast Group Iowa City, Iowa 511 Melrose Ave Iowa City Discussion   English   Open Meeting
9:00 AM Step Out Into the Sun Meditation Group Iowa City, Iowa Online Iowa City, IA Iowa City Closed Meeting   English   Meditation
12:10 PM Melrose Group Iowa City, Iowa 511 Melrose Ave Iowa City Discussion   English   Open Meeting
12:10 PM Blue Noon Group Iowa City, Iowa Online 310 N Johnson St Iowa City Closed Meeting   Discussion   English
12:10 PM 511 Melrose Group 511 Melrose Group #128142 511 Melrose Avenue Iowa City English
5:30 PM Women's Step Meeting Group Iowa City, Iowa Online 310 N Johnson St Iowa City Closed Meeting   English   Wheelchair Access +   Women's Meeting
6:00 PM Melrose Group Iowa City, Iowa 511 Melrose Ave Iowa City Discussion   English   Open Meeting
6:00 PM 511 Melrose Group 511 Melrose Group #128142 511 Melrose Avenue Iowa City English
8:00 AM An AA Group Fellowship Club 3224 1st Ave NE Cedar Rapids Big Book   English
9:00 AM Early Birds Welcome Group Fellowship Club 3224 1st Ave NE Cedar Rapids Concurrent with Al-Anon   English
9:00 AM EBU Zoom Zoom Only Online Cedar Rapids, IA Cedar Rapids English
12:00 PM Mercy Group Edgewood Road Northwest Mercy Group Edgewood Road Northwest 212 Edgewood Road Northwest Cedar Rapids Open Meeting
12:00 PM AA on Houser Group Muscatine, Iowa 704 S Houser St Muscatine Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Wheelchair Access
12:00 PM Mercy Group CR Gratitude 212 Edgewood Rd NW Cedar Rapids English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM For Those Who Want It Industrial Club 225 35th St Marion English
5:30 PM Happy Hour Group Fellowship Club 3224 1st Ave NE Cedar Rapids English   Open Meeting
6:00 PM Hope Hope # 107 W 6th St West Liberty English
6:30 PM Recovery Group Muscatine, Iowa 513 Sycamore St Muscatine Closed Meeting   Discussion   English +   Wheelchair Access
7:00 PM Marion Friday Night First Presbyterian Church 802 12th St Marion Concurrent with Al-Anon   English
7:00 PM Pass It On Fellowship Club 3224 1st Ave NE Cedar Rapids English

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Iowa City, Iowa AA Meetings

Iowa City is in the state of Iowa. People love living in this city as it has many great things to offer. Also, one of the best things about living in Iowa City is the presence of AA meetings in Iowa City. They are available to all residents who are dealing with alcohol addiction on a daily basis. The amount of support, care, and compassion they provide make people work on their alcohol-related issues and strive for a much brighter future. Peer members are an amazing support and can guide new members with everything they haveIowa City is in the state of Iowa. People love living in this city as it has many great things to offer. Also, one of the best things about living in Iowa City is the presence of AA meetings in Iowa City. They are available to all residents who are dealing with alcohol addiction on a daily basis. The amount of support, care, and compassion they provide make people work on their alcohol-related issues and strive for a much brighter future. Peer members are an amazing support and can guide new members with everything they have learned so far. AA meetings in Iowa also offer support groups throughout the state. Open and closed meetings are among Iowa City is in the state of Iowa. People love living in this city as it has many great things to offer. Also, one of the best things about living in Iowa City is the presence of AA meetings in Iowa City. They are available to all residents who are dealing with alcohol addiction on a daily basis. The amount of support, care, and compassion they provide make people work on their alcohol-related issues and strive for a much brighter future. Peer members are an amazing support and can guide new members with everything they have learned so far. AA meetings in Iowa also offer support groups throughout the state. Open and closed meetings are among the most popular ones. While open meetings allow family members to attend, closed meetings are more appropriate for small groups and members who prefer privacy. The importance of attending AA meetings is huge as they can teach you a lot about alcohol addiction and change your ways. Opening up your mind for new things can bring many positive things into your life. Achieving sobriety is one of the most rewarding victories that you can experience and AA meetings in Iowa City can definitely help you with that. Browse through our online directory and find the meeting you like the most.the most popular ones. While open meetings allow family members to attend, closed meetings are more appropriate for small groups and members who prefer privacy. The importance of attending AA meetings is huge as they can teach you a lot about alcohol addiction and change your ways. Opening up your mind for new things can bring many positive things into your life. Achieving sobriety is one of the most rewarding victories that you can experience and AA meetings in Iowa City can definitely help you with that. Browse through our online directory and find the meeting you like the most. learned so far. AA meetings in Iowa also offer support groups throughout the state. Open and closed meetings are among the most popular ones. While open meetings allow family members to attend, closed meetings are more appropriate for small groups and members who prefer privacy. The importance of attending AA meetings is huge as they can teach you a lot about alcohol addiction and change your ways. Opening up your mind for new things can bring many positive things into your life. Achieving sobriety is one of the most rewarding victories that you can experience and AA meetings in Iowa City can definitely help you with that. Browse through our online directory and find the meeting you like the most.

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