Find AA meetings in York, Maine to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Maine includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:45 AM | New Hope Group Exeter | New Hope Group | Online 21 Front Street | Exeter | Big Book Discussion Step Meeting + Virtual Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Umbrella Group | Umbrella Group | Online 525 Lafayette Road | Hampton | Discussion Hybrid Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Portland Attitude Adjustment Meeting | Portland Area | Online Portland, ME | Portland | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Wake Up | The Catch All | 58 Main St | Salisbury | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
7:00 AM | Mousam River Men's Group | Kennebunk Area | 15 Water St | Kennebunk | Discussion English Men's Meeting + Speaker |
7:00 AM | At Cape Ann Early Bird hybrid | At Cape Ann Early Bird hybrid | Online 38 Gloucester Avenue | Gloucester | Discussion Open Meeting Outdoor Meeting |
7:00 AM | Portsmouth Daily Reflections Group | St. John's Church | 101 Chapel St | Portsmouth | Daily Reflections Discussion English |
7:00 AM | Sunrise Serenity Group | Portland Area | Online Portland, ME | Portland | Daily Reflections English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Portland Attitude Adjustment Meeting | Portland Area | 425 Congress St | Portland | Discussion English Literature + Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Hampton In-Person Group | United Methodist Church | 525 Lafayette Rd | Hampton | Discussion English |
7:00 AM | Good Morning Group Portsmouth | Good Morning Group Portsmouth | Online 292 State Street | Portsmouth | Big Book Discussion Speaker + Virtual Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Cape Ann Early Bird | Baptist Church | Online 38 Gloucester Ave | Gloucester | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Tuesday Morning Women's BBSS | Online | Online Amesbury, MA | Amesbury | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Big Book Closed Meeting + English Women's Meeting |
7:00 AM | What's Good About Today | Rock Church | 58 Macy St | Amesbury | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Sisters of the Book-BBSS | St. Ann's Church | 300 Main St | West Newbury | Big Book English Open Meeting + Step Meeting Women's Meeting |
7:14 AM | Serenity at Sunrise | Portland Area | Online Portland, ME | Portland | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:15 AM | Early Bird Group Kennebunk | Early Bird Group Kennebunk | 114 Main Street | Kennebunk | Closed Meeting Step Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:15 AM | Early Bird Group | Portland Area | Online Portland, ME | Portland | Big Book Discussion English + Open Meeting Step Meeting Tradition Study |
7:30 AM | What's Good About Today | Kittery Area | 117 State Rd | Kittery | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
7:30 AM | 7 Day at 7:30 Sunrise Group | Triangle Club | 120 Broadway | Dover | Discussion English Wheelchair Access |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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York, Maine AA Meetings
The town of York is a well-known summer resort town in York County, Maine. The AA meetings Maine hosts provide care, support, and guidance to residents with alcohol use disorders. Thanks to these AA meetings, affected residents have access to a community of individuals familiar with the challenges of recovering from alcohol use disorder and bound together by the common goal of defeating the condition permanently. The AA community is non-discriminatory, open to anyone with a desire to quit drinking. AA meetings in York are marked by a warm and friendly atmosphere where participants can freely discuss their challenges with the addiction without judgment or criticism. These meetings come in various formats and can be combined with other treatment methods for a more effective recovery. These meetings may be open or closed. In open meetings, locals and loved ones of participants are invited, while closed meetings are reserved for only individuals who wish to quit drinking. Treatment of alcohol use disorder varies, and it is best to seek professional counsel before starting any treatment programs. For more information on treatment programs near you, please call our team of experts. You can also locate AA meetings in York using the online directory.