Find AA meetings in Verona, New Jersey to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in New Jersey includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Astoria Safe & Sober (:I) | ASTORIA SAFE & SOBER :I #50270 | Online 30-14 Crescent St | Queens | Big Book English |
12:00 PM | Learning to Live (:I) | LEARNING TO LIVE :I #12460-1 | Online New York, NY 10001 | New York | English Step Meeting |
12:00 PM | Astoria Safe and Sober 30 14 | Astoria Safe and Sober 50270 | Online 30-14 Crescent St | Queens | Big Book |
12:00 PM | Mid-Day Sobriety Two For One | Mid-Day Sobriety Two for One | Online 461 6th St | Brooklyn | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Attitude Adjustment Group Garden City | Attitude Adjustment Group | 38 Old Country Road | Garden City | Closed Meeting Discussion Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Hour of Power | Hour of Power Virtual | Online Pearl River, NY | Pearl River | English Open Meeting Speaker + Step Meeting |
12:00 PM | Dover Mid Day Group | Dover Mid Day Group | 51 W Blackwell St | Dover | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
12:00 PM | Chelsea Nooners | CHELSEA NOONERS #10880 | Online New York, NY 10011 | New York | Closed Meeting English Speaker |
12:00 PM | Larchmont (:I) | LARCHMONT :I #80520 | Online 4 W Fountain Square | Larchmont | Big Book English |
12:00 PM | Bayonne Bayside Group | Bayonne Bayside Group | 16 W 4th St | Bayonne | Closed Meeting English Step Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Ho-Ho-Kus Group | Ho-Ho-Kus Group | 70 Sheridan Ave | Ho-Ho-Kus | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Literature Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Bookshop at Noon / Statler at Noon | BOOKSHOP AT NOON #10590 | Online 139 W 31st St | New York | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Speaker |
12:00 PM | Getting It Together Group | 142945 | 254 E Putnam Ave | Greenwich | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
12:00 PM | Grupo Faro de las Doce | Grupo Faro de las Doce | 331 Elizabeth Avenue | Elizabeth | Open Meeting Spanish |
12:00 PM | Montclair Big Book Meeting | Montclair Big Book Meeting | 73 S Fullerton Ave | Montclair | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Temporary Closure Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | Lafayette Evergreen Group | Lafayette Evergreen Group | 25 Mudcut Rd | Lafayette | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | A New Way of Living | A NEW WAY OF LIVING #10107 | Online New York, NY | New York | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Big Book Closed Meeting + English |
12:00 PM | Fireside Weekday Meetings Only 57th Street | Fireside :I Weekday Meetings Only #11480 | 422 West 57th Street | New York | Newcomer |
12:00 PM | Genderfabulous | Women and Genderfabs | Online Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY | Brooklyn | Closed Meeting English LGBTQ+ + Temporary Closure Transgender Women's Meeting |
12:00 PM | Serenity Together | Serenity Together | 7 North Ln | Glen Cove | Daily Reflections English |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Verona, New Jersey AA Meetings
Verona is a township with a marginal decline in the population, located in Essex County, New Jersey, United. This area has a percentage of people struggling with alcohol addiction, which is difficult to overcome without divine intervention. Alcohol addiction affects people’s lives and livelihood, causing abuse in homes and loss of jobs. AA meetings in Verona provide well-needed assistance through the global network of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This global directory including AA meetings nj, sorted by locations, making it easily sourced and accessible. These meetings are operated by individuals with past alcohol addiction, using their stories and journey to inspire others. People with alcohol addiction are also encouraged, but not forced to openly speak about their alcohol addiction, whether in large or small groups, depending on one’s comfort level. The meetings are delivered in several ways, such as men’s and women’s meetings, candle lighting or counseling meetings, and small or large group meeting. AA meetings nj primarily use a 12-step or inpatient rehab approach, after conducting an initial assessment. These measures are an excellent long-term approach to addiction recovery and avoiding relapses. The meeting environment is welcoming and very friendly, and everyone receives equal love and support. Everyone needing assistance with alcohol addiction, should take the right step forward and visit.